

作者(外文):LU, MENG-HUI
主題關鍵詞:郎尼根聖奧斯定認知論歸化人學基督宗教Bernard LonerganSt. AugustineEpistemologyConversionHumanistsChristianity
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本文藉著郎尼根的認知論為基調,以奧斯定的實踐為例,從理論中探討其歸化的過程。「歸化」(Conversion)在郎尼根的理論是一個主體藉著經驗、理解、判斷、抉擇的洞察過程、辨識其嚮往的目的所做確認的一個決定性結果,最後人能夠在歸化的階段裡有一個綜合性的己身融入。奧斯定的「智性歸化」(Intellectual Conversion) 、「道德歸化」(Moral Conversion) 與「宗教歸化」(Religious Conversion)並不是各階段的獨立完成,雖然論述的進程有階段之別,但其實是相互交錯的成長。雖然宗教歸化可能是在一剎那靈光乍現的出現概率當下而發生,但大都有其生活及學習的背景所使然。而這個以愛為內涵的基督宗教,在宗教歸化的範疇內已然包含了信主愛人、個人靈修與集體歸化的三個面向,因此在討論宗教歸化時,本文也以「愛的超越嚮往與歸化」做為陳述奧斯定在宗教歸化之後的愛的行動,以此補充奧斯定宗教歸化之後的動態行徑。
This thesis is based on Lonergan’s epistemology and takes St. Augustine as a practical example to discuss the process of St. Augustine’s conversion. In Lonergan’s theory, ‘conversion’ is a concrete process of insight involving experience, understanding, judgment and choice. The result, after recognizing the sought-after objective, is a decision made with certainty. In the end, the individual will comprehensively enter into the conversion event. Augustine’s ‘intellectual conversion,’ ‘moral conversion’ and ‘religious conversion’ may seem to be separate developments, but they are actually a cross-linked, interactive development. Although religious conversion may seem like an instantaneous and sudden inspiration, there is always a component from life and learning that allows it to happen. And Christianity, with love as its core, within the paradigm of religious conversion, includes three elements: belief in the Lord and love of others, individual spirituality and communal conversion. Thus, when considering religious conversion, this thesis adds “the exigence and transcendence of love and conversion” in explicating Augustine’s activity after his religious conversion. There is a consideration of Augustine’s continued movement after his religious conversion.


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