

題名:國際化程度、創新能力對於組織績效的影響 – 以在中國大陸的臺灣電子廠商為例
作者(外文):Tien-Chiang Teng
主題關鍵詞:臺灣電子廠商國際化程度創新能力社會資本慣性Taiwanese Electronics ManufacturersDegree of InternationalizationInnovation CapabilitySocial CapitalInertia
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For Taiwan’s total production amount, the electronics industry plays a very important role. In particular, considering the social, cultural, geographic distance, and cost between Taiwan and China. Taiwan’s electronics manufacturers all regarded China as preferred foreign direct investment area in the early stages when opening the door to trade, thus measuring the impact of Taiwanese electronics manufacturers’ degree of internationalization in China on organizational performance. However, due to the rapid changes in electronic products, whether in the R&D technology, production process, or consumer preferences, the impact of innovation capability on organizational performance is even more obvious. Furthermore, our research paper also considers two variables, which internal (inertia) and external (social capital) will moderate effect on organizational performance.
After receiving 195 questionnaires and analyzed, more than half are electronic manufacturers of semiconductors and passive components, and more than 70% have entered the Chinese market as a greenfield for the first time. Through mergers and acquisitions those who enter the Chinese market, whether the cognitive embeddedness of social capital or the exploratory innovation capability, both scores are significantly higher. In addition, the higher degree of internationalized manufacturers in China, development is more likely to be affected by environmental changes in the near future. The positive impact of innovation ability on organizational performance will be affected by the enhanced moderating effect of social capital and inertia at the same time.
Therefore, we finally concluded two practical suggestions for the subsidiaries of Taiwanese electronics manufacturers in China: (1) they can set up subsidiaries nearby institutions or universities with innovation, enter into local network through periphery supply chain products, and enhance trust through informal relationships in the long run; (2) dispatch senior managers with senior experience from Taiwan's home country and create an technology steering committee group to enhance the flow of innovation knowledge between parent and subsidiary.
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