

題名:檢查在 EFL 寫作課堂中使用聊天機器人和增強現實應用程序的學習成果和看法
作者(外文):Joshua Lee
主題關鍵詞:English as a foreign language (EFL)writingchatbotaugmented reality (AR)artificial intelligence (AI)
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Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and chatbots are increasingly being used in education. Although literature exists examining these technologies in an EFL environment, little research has been done examining the use of these technologies in conjunction. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of using these technologies together in an EFL writing environment, view student outcomes from using the technologies, collect student perceptions about using the technologies, and finally develop guidelines for future researchers who wish to incorporate the technology in EFL writing classrooms. Results showed that in some conditions, the technologies under review helped improve participant scores. Additionally, participants shared they were not interested in using the technology outside of the study. The study then provides guidelines for implementing AI, AR, and chatbots in and EFL environment.
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