

作者(外文):Fu, Wei-Che
主題關鍵詞:土地徵收民主轉型政治生存國家生存Land ExpropriationDemocratic TransitionPolitical SurvivalState Survival
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The study answered why the contentious land expropriation happened regularly in democratic Taiwan. Different from previous literature focusing on state bureaucracy and money politics, this study argued that the logic of political survival was the main reason to explain the land expropriation being implemented contentiously. I assumed that Taiwan’s political elite after WWII used land expropriation as a strategy to improve their possibility of political survival and that when they were more likely to face political insecurity, the massive land expropriation was more likely to be implemented. Because land expropriation usually brings resource redistribution dramatically, the political elite can win political support during the policy process. In other words, the massive land expropriation would be launched during regime transitions, and land expropriation could raise the vote number of the political elite who launched them. The logic of political survival also shaped the institution of land expropriation.
I used quantitative methodology to support the above arguments, and have the following findings. First, with the county-level datasets from 1953 to 2018, I found the massive land expropriation that did happen in the early period when the political elites came into office. It meant that political insecurity was the exact reason for the political elite to launch land expropriation policies across authoritarian and democratic regimes after WWII. Secondly, based on the analysis from 1990- 2015, I found that the mechanism of ‘zone expropriation’ was pervasively implemented after the democratization of Taiwan; the fast the counties where urban areas expanded, the more pervasive the expropriation was implemented. The interviews with local officials also supported this empirical finding. Finally, the more land expropriation was implemented, the more consolidated the political elites’ political survival was. The finding was based on statistical tests from 1993 to 2015. And it suggested that both two major political camps in Taiwan (pan-blue and pan-green) could indeed win the votes due to their different land development trajectories.
From the perspective of the theory of rational choice, while the study is dedicated to the new explanations of land expropriation in contemporary Taiwan, there are still limits to its explanations. For instance, it could not envision the unexpected economic outcomes of land development projects, such as the inflation of housing prices due to the rollback of capital from China in the recent days.

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