

作者(外文):GU, YA-LIN
主題關鍵詞:關係辯證理論醫病關係醫病溝通陰陽思想relational dialectics theory (RDT)patient-physician relationshippatient-physician communicationYin-Yan thinking
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The main purpose of this dissertation is to explore the patient-physician relationship and communication in China from the perspective of relational dialectics theory developed by Baxter & Montgomery (1996). In particular, due to the influence of Yin-Yang thinking on the Chinese, this study explores whether the types of dialectics experienced by patients and physicians in China and their praxis patterns are different from those in Western societies to examine the fitness of relational dialectics theory in Chinese societies. Specifically, data in this qualitative study have been collected through in-depth interviews with 9 doctors and 9 patients, which have been analyzed by the grounded theory method. The physicians and patients in this study have reported two types of contextual dialectics and three types of relational dialectics. Although the types of dialectics reported from both parties are similar, the specific dialectics experienced by each party are different. In terms of praxis patterns, both physicians and patients have reported six types of praxis patterns. Furthermore, this study also explores the characteristics of praxis patterns in Chinese societies. Finally, this study discusses the limitations of relational dialectics theory in explaining the patient-physician relationship and communication in Chinese societies.

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