

主題關鍵詞:越南經濟外商直接投資經濟增長二氧化碳排放散戶投資者預測股票指數Vietnamese economyForeign direct investmentEconomic growthCarbon dioxide emmisionRetails investorForecasting stock index
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Vietnam is an emerging economy in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and after 2000 it has been considered to be a successful example of a transitional economy moving from centrally-planned to market-oriented. The beginning of market-oriented reforms was initiated in 1986 to create an open economy, also known as the Doi Moi policy. Since that time, three key economic issues have become major concerns in Vietnam: the role of foreign direct investment (FDI), the deterioration of the environment, and the development of the domestic stock market. This thesis investigates these three issues through empirical analysis.
Following the introduction in chapter 1, chapter 2 first presents an endogenous growth model to demonstrate the benefit of FDI inflows and their related technology transfers on economic growth and then conducts empirical studies via growth regression by focusing on provincial-level data of Vietnam. For robustness consideration, this study uses four methodologies to build the empirical models: Pool OLS, Pool 2SLS, RE-GLS, and system GMM. The results illustrate the significant effect of FDI and other macroeconomic variables in the provinces of Vietnam.
In chapter 3, given that FDI inflows contribute to the country’s pollution, we look to identify those significant causal factors so that policy-makers can establish environmental regulations for said inflows. Noting the growing deterioration of the environment in Vietnam, this study uses the system GMM to estimate nine versions of the Stochastic Impact by Regression on Population, Affluence and Technology (STIRPAT) models, which provide evidence for Vietnam policymakers to design suitable strategies for attracting FDI.
In chapter 4 we focus on the stock market development since investing behavior by the public should benefit household wealth, which can affect aggregate demands. During the COVID-19 period, the market values of Vietnamese stocks increased fast due to participation of retail investors. While retail investors are becoming more and more important in the domestic stock market, their investment decisions need to be supported due to a lack of quality market information. This chapter thus proposes a robust forecasting model on stock indices to benefit retail investors’ stock portfolio decisions. The optimized lagged-terms (Box-Jenkins ARIMA-GARCH) and fixed lagged-terms (VAR-BEKK-GARCH(4) are presented to compare the forecast accuracy of the stock index. The empirical results show the comparison of models one step ahead and five steps ahead. The findings suggest that the competitive model can solve problems of both linear and non-linear characteristics in stock indices, and that optimized lagged-terms should be the suitable selection to build the forecast model. Through these three studies on the economic issues of Vietnam, this dissertation provides evidence to support the appropriate decision-making process of households (retail investors) and policy-makers.
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