

主題關鍵詞:數位轉型非同質化代幣(NFT)Web 3.0 商業模式NFT商業模式奢侈時尚產業Digital TransformationNon-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)Web 3.0 Business ModelsNFT Business ModelsLuxury Fashion Industry
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本研究旨在探討成功的產業個案奢侈時尚產業的非同質代幣數位轉型,藉由Web 3.0和NFT數位轉型的商業模式,以NFT數位特性與行銷價值,透過文獻、內容分析法,瞭解奢侈時尚產業在藉由NFT發行再造新商模,取得新的獲利模式,產業個案以NFT作為數位轉型新興科技技術工具,研究中建構產業數位轉型流程,剖析奢侈時尚產業在以NFT數位轉型有優勢,深入分析新興技術在不同產業中的影響與潛力。
在奢侈時尚產業以NFT數位轉型來發展新的NFT商業模式,對提升產業在商業行銷的應用與價值,NFT的發行成為引人矚目的商業行銷策略。NFT的其稀缺性和獨特性,為顧客帶來收藏價值、情感連結、品牌的認同與追求及交易透明信任與安全。另外,數位轉型和Web 3.0及社群進一步提升顧客的參與度,直播、虛擬實境等創新體驗強化顧客對產業的情感連結及不同的參與體驗。
結論,在奢侈時尚產業中的NFT特性與行銷價值各有不同,數位轉型和Web 3.0n及進而以NFT商業模式提供關鍵策略,提高用戶參與度和品牌忠誠度。個案研究所建構的NFT數位轉型發展流程分析為產業實現更全面發展提供寶貴參考與指導。未來應重視用戶數據保護與跨界合作,推動產業升級和跨領域合作,實現更全面的數位轉型和發展。
This research aims to explore the digital transformation of the luxury fashion industry through non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by examining successful industry cases. By leveraging the business models of Web 3.0 and NFT digital transformation, as well as the NFT digital characteristics and marketing value, this study seeks to understand how the luxury fashion industry is reshaping its business models through NFT issuance to achieve new profit models. The industry cases utilize NFTs as emerging digital transformation technology tools, constructing the digital transformation process within the industry and analyzing the advantages of NFT digital transformation in-depth, along with examining the impact and potential of emerging technologies in different industries.
In the luxury fashion industry, the adoption of NFT digital transformation to develop new NFT business models enhances the industry's application and value in marketing. NFT issuance becomes an attention-grabbing marketing strategy. The scarcity and uniqueness of NFTs bring collecting value, emotional connections, brand identity, pursuit, and transparent trust and security to customers. Furthermore, digital transformation, Web 3.0, and social communities further enhance customer engagement. Innovative experiences like live streaming and virtual reality strengthen customers' emotional connections and diverse engagement experiences with the industry.
In conclusion, NFT characteristics and marketing value in the luxury fashion industry vary, and digital transformation, Web 3.0, and NFT business models provide key strategies to enhance user engagement and brand loyalty. The NFT digital transformation development process constructed in the case studies provides valuable reference and guidance for achieving more comprehensive development within the industry. In the future, emphasis should be placed on user data protection and cross-industry collaborations to drive industry upgrades and interdisciplinary cooperation, achieving more comprehensive digital transformation and development.
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