

作者(外文):CHEN, YAN-XIN
主題關鍵詞:隱私媒介化物質可供性合法化制度化PrivacyMediatizationMaterial affordanceLegalizationInstitutionalization
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The digital age is unfolding its majestic picture, with data becoming the core element of new productivity,and the ubiquity of data interaction makes privacy face new difficulties. Media technology has changed people's various mediating experiences in daily life. As a sensitive concept, "mediatization" can capture and describe this transformation well, and pay attention to people's vivid experience at present. Communication science is undergoing the paradigm shift of "mediatization". The media format, representation, and media organization norms of the mass media constitute the media logic, and the process of infiltrating into other areas of society and triggering the transformation of practice is called the process of mediaization. But how to understand the process of mediatization in times of deep mediatization when all elements of our social world are intricately linked to digital media and the underlying infrastructure? This study discusses the mediatization process of privacy from two aspects of media materiality and institutionalization. On the basis of material affordance, people have new habits of privacy practices, the process of "legalization" of media usage norms and values, and the influence of media policies at the macro level on normative values, and the interaction between them show the mediatization process of building a new social order around media materiality and related institutions. Research shows that in the times of deep mediatization, the collection and processing of personal data is no longer decided and controlled by individuals, which makes the concept of privacy as an individual's control or relative control of information flow no longer appropriate, and the formation process of new values and order related to privacy is closely related to the establishment and expansion of "surveillance capitalism". This study combines constructive and institutional perspectives to create a mediatization theoretical model that enables analysis of altered communication in times of deep mediatization and inspires the development of more complex, multilayered approaches to understanding media-related changes in the social world.

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