

主題關鍵詞:心智障礙者自我效能社會教育學intellectual disabilityself-efficacysocial pedagogy
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Since The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has been incorporated into the Taiwan legal system, disability services pay more attention to the rights of persons with disabilities. The government actively promotes the independent living and social integration of persons with mental disabilities, and institutions have also begun to provide self-advocacy services for persons with disabilities. The purpose of this action research is to cultivate self-efficacy for people with intellectual disability in a social pedagogy perspective, in order to promote the abilities and opportunities of people with intellectual disability. Using social pedagogy to understand the feasibility of practice to develop services with participation and empowerment, and enhance the social value of institutional for the disabled. The research team is with two moderately mentally disabled youths, three practitioners and the researcher. The research undergoes three action phases in nine months.
Through action research to develop a relationship-based self-efficacy model, the practical principles of social pedagogy should pay attention to the development of professional relationships, create a family-like belonging, and pay attention to the rights and opportunities of people with intellectual disabilities. The intuition practitioner ought to equip the concept of social pedagogy, and develop the ability to cultivate in a team consensus manner. In the course design, people with intellectual disabilities should have the opportunity to participate in the discussion and plan the Common Third which based on their needs and interests. To provide the opportunities to observant, modeling and positive support to improve self-efficacy. It was observed that the professional relationship became closer and trust during the process of action, and the ability, self-confidence and problem-solving ability of people with intellectual disabilities were significantly improved. However, it is necessary to consider the resources, faith and the management capability and persistence, in order to cope with the different challenges in the process of change.

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