

主題關鍵詞:折衷理論OLI 模式資源基礎理論層級分析法進入模式OLIRBVAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessEntry Model
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本研究以台灣某個案公司為研究對象,以「折衷理論」及「資源基礎理論」為基礎,針對台灣工具業者個案公司進行專家訪查,再運用層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process),提出適合工具機業開拓印度新市場的「4構面23準則」決策模式,讓個案公司主要決策成員可依權重統計做出評選,最後形成針對印度市場進入模式最適當的集體決策,用這個層級分析評選的流程及結果,提供給公司董事會重要的決策參考。
The Taiwan’s machine tool industry performed well in the first half of 2022, but in the second half, it was affected by multiple international trends, including the US-China tech war, the COVID-19, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as global increases in raw material prices and inflationary pressures. These factors have had a negative impact on investment and manufacturing activities. Tool industry players have shifted their outlook on the Indian market and are actively considering how to tap into it. India is becoming a hot topic as a new blue ocean for the Taiwan’s machine tool industry. Exploring the entry mode into the Indian market is a topic of interest for research and could provide valuable insights for the industry.
A case on the Indian market entry model of Taiwan’s machine tool industry. This study combines The Eclectic Theory of International Production and the Resource-Based view theory, conducting expert interviews with small and medium-sized Taiwan’s tool industry companies. By employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the study proposes a decision-making model consisting of 4 dimensions and 23 criteria for the case company's key decision-makers to make weighted evaluations and collectively decide on the Entry Model for the Indian market. Use this Analytic Hierarchy Process and results and provide important decision-making reference to the company's board of directors.
The research results show that the development and growth of India's automobile industry is of great significance to Taiwan's machine tool industry; most Taiwan's machine tool manufacturers adopt the indirect trade export method, and a few adopt the direct trade export method; in the selection of the Indian market entry mode, sole proprietorship and joint ventures factories are considered to be the most potential options.
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