

作者:林榮泰 引用關係唐硯漁
作者(外文):Lin, Rung-taiKang, Yen-yu
主題關鍵詞:人體計測產品設計人因工程課桌椅設計AnthropometricAnthropometric databaseHigh school studentsDesign issueSchool furniture
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6.Susila, I. G. N.(1998)。Ergonomic study of table and chair for senior high school student at Denpasar, Bali, Global Ergonomics。Cape Town, South Africa。523-528。  new window
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3.王茂駿、王明揚、廖信銳、吳文言、林雅俐(1998)。本土化中小學生人體計測資料庫建立(總計畫)。沒有紀錄。  延伸查詢new window
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3.Kroemer, K. H. E.(1988)。Ergonomic seats for computer workstations。Trends in Ergonomics/ Human Factors V.。Amsterdam, Netherlands/ New York, NY。  new window
1.吳浩瑋,廖文榆(1999)。高中生課桌椅,沒有紀錄。  延伸查詢new window
2.林榮泰(1999)。臺灣高中學生課桌椅相關人因尺寸之探討,沒有紀錄。  延伸查詢new window
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