

作者:陳金海 引用關係陳淑利 引用關係黃泰源 引用關係林信佑 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, King HaiChen, Shu LeeHuang, Tai YuanLin, Hsin Yu
主題關鍵詞:體適能學生Physical fitnessStudent
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     本研究目的在比較長榮管理學院86、87學年度各學群一年級學生體適 能的差異情形,以做為將來本校體育教學課程編排之參考。本研究以長榮管理學 院86學年度一年級學生600名(男生186名、女生414名)、87學年度一年級學 生728名(男生277名、女生451名)共計1328名為研究對象,測驗方法是採用 教育部所訂定之方法為標準,項目包括身高、體重、身體質量指數(BMI)、坐姿 體前彎、屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠、跑走(男生:1600公尺,女生:800公尺)。所 測得之各項體適能成績以t-test考驗統計方法進行分析,研究結果如下: 各學群體適能的比較,身體質量指數以87學年度管理學群男、女生及公衛學群 女生較好,且達p<.05顯著水準,坐姿體前彎以87學年度人文學群和公衛學群 女生較好,且達p<.05顯著水準,一分鐘仰臥起坐以86學年度人文、公衛和管 理學群之男、女生較好,且達p<.05顯著水準,立定跳遠以87學年度公衛、管 理學群女生較好,且達p<.05顯著水準,跑走以86學年度人文、管理學群之男、 女生和公衛學群女生較好,且達p<.05顯著水準。全體男、女生體適能在86、87 學年度的比較上,除了男生身體質量指數、坐姿體前彎和男、女生立定跳遠未達 顯著水準(p>.05)外,其餘各項體適能均達p<.05顯著水準。
     The purpose of this study is to compare the physical fitness of freshman in three colleges of Chang Jung University in roder to establish a reference for phyiscal education curriculum in the further. The subjects of this study were 600 freshman(186 males, 414 females)from the class of 1997 and 728 freshman(277 males, 451 females) from the class of 1998, for a total of 1328 students. The mothod, as standardized by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, includes height, weight, body mass index(BMI), sitting bent posturem bent-knee sit-ups, long jump, and running(male-1600m.; female-800m.) The results have been statistically analyzed usung a T-test as follows: For BMI, both males and females of the 1998 freshman class of the management college, and females in the public health college did better with an obvious difference of p<0.05. For sitting bent posture, females of the humanities college and public health college did better with p<0.05. For the number of sit-ups per minute, males and females from the freshman 1997 humanities, public health, and management colleges did better with p<0.05. For the long jump, females from the freshman 1998 management and public health colleges did better with p<0.05. For running, males and females from 1997 humanities and management colleges, and females from 1998 public health college did better with p<0.05. Comparing all males and females from the freshman classes of 1997 and 1998, all tested items arrived the difference of p<0.05, with the exception of BMI and sitting bent posture of males, and the long jump of males and females.
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