

作者(外文):Chang, Hsing-wu
主題關鍵詞:因果知覺連續性移動Causal perceptionMotion continuity
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     物體移動連續性線索是過去解釋撞擊事件的因果知覺的基礎。本研究的目的是探 討物體移動連續性線索的必要性。以電腦畫面模擬撞擊事件,本研究的實驗一明確的顯示物 體移動連續性線索並非因果知覺的必要條件。實驗二的結果更進一步顯示,無論有無此線索 ,時、空的操弄對撞擊事件的因果知覺有類似的影響。另外,由一個簡單的問卷結果顯示, 吾人對撞擊事件的因果知覺與吾人的物理知識有密切的關連。由此本文對撞擊事件的因果知 覺提出一個新的解釋。
     The cue of motion continuity has often been regraded as the key to perceived causality involving colliding objects. The present investigation, using computer simulation of colliding objects, was designed to determine the necessity of this cue to perceived causality in mechanical collision. Results from Experiment Ⅰ clearly refuted the hypothesis that motion continuity is necessary for perceived causality. Furthermore, temporal (delay) and spatial (gap) manipulations had similar effects on causal perception of events with or without motion continuity. Additional evidence from a brief questionnaire lends support to the hypothesis that perceived causality is intimately related to our knowledge of physical collisions in nature.
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