

作者(外文):Chen, Sheau-tien
主題關鍵詞:組織社會化程度升遷速度Organizational socializationPromotion rate
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     This study examined the impact of organizational socialization on promotion rate. Data were obtained through structured questionnaires from 196 full-time employees who have ever received promotions in present organizations. Results of regression analyses revealed that, though career-relevant factors such as gender, age, educational attainment, work experience, and seniority had significant impact on promotion, the influence of how well an employee was socialized in the organization was found to be sizable after control of those variables. How well an individual was socialized in the organization was significantly positively related to one's advancing upward in the organization. Although the results reinforced the dominance of the traditional determinants of promotion decisions, the significant effect of organizational socialization on promotability may help to paint a fuller picture of promotion criteria in the organizations.
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