

作者(外文):Huang, Ting-kuo
主題關鍵詞:都市重建永續發展安全都市計畫程序City rehabilitationSustainable developmentSafe cityPlan procedures
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     民國88年9月21日發生臺灣本土百年來最大的地震,中部許多鄉鎮市遭受嚴重破壞 ,政府為照顧災民生活、恢復舊有城鎮文化及景觀,於是投入許多人力、物力從事鄉鎮市重 建工作。但都市的重建不同於建築重建,都市重建必須先(1)做好完整的災情調查;(2)釐清 都市災害危險課題等,才能據以提出重建的基本方針。加上都市重建無論在時程、階段及段 落的工作內容均十分具體與明確,必須掌握其要點,才能使重建步少正軌,鑑於國內對此經 驗缺乏,因此本文嘗試以日本經驗模式配合草屯鎮災情調查,闡述重建的理論與實務。 本文以九○年代歐美及日本對都市永續發展的理論及「安全都市」建立的原則,作為國 內都市重建的基礎。災情調查是以實地訪視、調查,逐一記錄草屯鎮的災情,經由分析提出 未來重建基本方針並擬訂重建基本計畫。 依據重建程序,從(1)重建初期體制之建立;(2)重建基本方針之擬訂;(3)重建都市計 畫之完成;(4)重建事業計畫之確立;及(5)更新事業的推進等五個階段,分別申論各階段計 畫理念與工作內容,作為國內各鄉鎮市重建的依循原則,藉以整合重建理念、進度及內容品 質,達到所期望的目標。
     The earthquake taking place on September 21, 1999 is the greatest disaster of 100 year record on Taiwan Proper which brought serious damage to cities and villages in the central Taiwan. For an early recovery of the traditional city culture, landscape and warm care of the displaced population, the local and central governments have musterd a great deal of man power and material in the sense of emergency to the city rehabilitation from ruin. However , a city rehabilitation differs significantly from the building reconstruction; the city rehabilitation has to be processed basing on (1)a complete damage survey record and (2)a clear definition of risk in existence which serve as the basic guidelines for a virtual rehabilitation. In the city rehabilitation, the schedule and mlestone for each sectional work should be solid and calculated and every critical point should under rigid control so as to bring the rehabilitation work on the right track. Because of lacking such a physical local experience, this essay tries to borrow the rehabilitation theory and practices of Japanese model which are best applicable to Chaotun damage survey and rehabilitation. In 1900s, the city's continued development theory and safe principles have been well developed in Europe and Japan, laying a sound foundation for city rehabilitation. The damage survey should be carried out on the spot, every piece of information relevant to damage and risk should be recorded and analyzed from which the basic guidelines and plan are based. The rehabilitation procedures begins with five phases (1)the organization of preliminary rehabilitation system; (2)the formation of basic guidelines; (3)the completion of city rehabilitation plan; (4)the preparation enterprise programs and (5)the promotion of renewed enterprises; and each phase willbe provided detailed concept and contents to be worked out to ensure that the city rehabilitation works present an integrated concept, high quality and accomplish the set goals.
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