

作者:陳昭儀 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Chao-yi
主題關鍵詞:教師特質教學生涯教學歷程資優生的輔導資優教育教師Gifted education teachersTeaching career
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     本研究之主要目的為瞭解優秀國小資優教育教師之教學生涯,以十位國小資優教育教師作為研究對象進行深度訪談研究。綜合本研究之結果,有以下五點重要結論: (一) 資優教育教師所應具備之條件 受訪者認為之資優教育教師所應具備的人格特質包括了:創新的能力、包容心、熱誠及人格上的典範等。在專業能力方面,這十位資優教育教師認為資優教育的專業知能最為重要。 (二) 資優教育教學歷程 在教材的準備方面,受訪者指出多參考其他老師的教材或是與同儕之間的互相討論是很重要的。受訪者提供他們兼顧個別化與教學進度的壓力以及吸引學生的學習興趣之教學經驗;採用個人的標準參照法,視學生的不同程度採用小組教學的方式,多準備幾種教材讓學生能視自己的能力選擇有興趣學習的內容。 (三) 學生輔導及與家長互動之情形 平時資優班教師輔導學生的方法如下:積極與原班老師或家長討論,給予學生鼓勵,或提供學生情緒抒發的管道等。家長提供的資源類型包括協助教學、提供教學方面的建議以及經費的支援等。 (四) 擔任資優教育教師之心得 受訪者談到身為資優教育教師的心路歷程時大多表示只要看到學生學有所成,則所有的辛勞都是值得的。而提到自己最難忘的教學經驗,多位老師皆提到與學生之間的互動情感是最令人難忘的。 (五) 對於國內資優教育之意見 每位受訪者皆提出他們對於目前國內資優教育的看法與期許,包括有:資優班不應成為超級升學班,而應讓學生有機會接受到不同於普通教育的一些課程;資優教育的教學方法應推廣至普通班,讓普通班的教學方法能資優化;應讓學校有自主權決定要實施哪一種教學模式。
     The purposes of the study consisted of examing requirements of outstanding gifted education teachers and identifying the teaching career by gifted education teachers. Tools of measurement used in the study were "A Survey of the Requirements of Outstanding Gifted Education Teachers", and "An Outline of Interviews with Gifted Education Teachers". Data were collected through surveys and semi-structured interviews. The gifted education teachers participated in the surveys, whereas subjects of the semi-structured interviews consisted of ten gifted education teachers. Major findings were as follows: Participants in interview revealed that requirements included such personality traits as innovativeness, forgiveness, and enthusiasm as well as professional capability. In preparation of teaching materials, they identified the importance of discussion of materials to be used with colleagues, administration of individual-referenced assessment, and implement of small-group teaching paradigm as well as availability of backup materials for individual learners. Gifted education teachers offered consulting services by way of correspondence with regular class teachers and parents, delivery of reinforcement to students, and provision of emotional outlet. Parents involved in the gifted education practices by means of assistance in teaching activities, providing instructional feedback, and offering financial support. Teachers of interest stated that most rewarding in the work could be attributed to progress made by students, whereas most memorable was the teacher-student rapport developed in the teaching process. Their suggestions were summarized as (a)gifted education classes be not labeled as promoting classes, (b)gifted education classes be offered alternative courses, (c)gifted education services be extended to regular classes and, most important, (d)school be entitled to the free choice of instructional paradigm.
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