

作者(外文):Liu, Chien-cheng
主題關鍵詞:哲學科學後設科學後設思考心腦問題PhilosophyScienceMetascienceMetathinkingThe mind-brain problem
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     哲學曾被奉為科學之后,但時至今日,卻是備受誤解的一門學問。 一般對哲學的誤解不外有四: 1.哲學不切實用。 2.哲學玄奧難懂。 3.哲學眾說紛紜,非但無法解決問題,反而製造更大的混亂。 4.哲學可為科學所取代。 面對這些誤解,本文試圖為哲學在科學的時代中作一重新定位,闡明其基本義涵與主要特質,進而解消種種誤解。本文將哲學視為後設科學,其特質為後設思考,它的基本內涵是:科學研究的成果乃是哲學思考的起點;哲學思考的結論可以作為科學未來發展的可能方向。在此觀點之下,種種有關哲學的誤解事實上已經不攻自破了。
     There are four main misconceptions of philosophy. 1.Philosophy has no social usefulness. 2.Philosophy is very difficult to understand. 3.Philosophy is a trouble-maker. 4.Philosophy can be replaced by science. In this article, I will provide a viewpoint of philosophy in the era of science, i.e., Philosophy as metascience. The gist is that the findings of scientific research are the very start point for philosophical thinking, and any conclusions of philosophical thinking will be the possible guidelines for further scientific evelopment. From this philosophical point of view, the misconceptions mentioned above will be dissolved straight and completely.
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10.Christen, Y.、Churchland, P.(1992)。Neurophilosophy and Al zheimer's Disease。Neurophilosophy and Al zheimer's Disease。  new window
11.Longenecker, G. L.(1995)。How Drugs Work。How Drugs Work。  new window
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13.Stewart, D.、Blocker, H. G.(1992)。Fundamentals of Philosophy。Fundamentals of Philosophy。  new window
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