

題名:Literature Review of Reading Strategies: Background Knowledge and Vocabulary
作者:陳媛珊 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, L. Yuan-shan
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     本文目的為介紹現有文獻中有關閱讀技巧的教學方式。主要重點則放在背景知識 及字彙上。許多研究顯示學生閱讀時,如果缺乏相關的背景知識或字彙,則會影響其理解 力。國外研究顯示教師如能運用預覽、意象圖或是故事文法等教學技巧提供學生足夠的內 容背景及文章結構,則能降低每位學生閱讀的困難度。對學生而言,字彙則是另一問題。 許多學生在閱讀過程中如遇到生字第一反應即是查字典,但是查字典會影響學生閱讀速度 並且使理解不能連貫。故教導學生如何從上下文推斷字義則成為重要課題。惟本文所舉 的各項教學技巧僅曾針對國外學生做過實驗,大部份並無針對國內學生做過研究。故本文 希望能拋磚引玉,吸引更多學者專家探討這些技巧是否適用在國內的教學環境。
     This paper aims to provide a review of reading strategies concerning background knowledge and vocabulary, lack of which have been proven to cause difficulty in students' reading comprehension. Numerous studies have revealed that the explicit instructions of previews, semantic mapping or story grammar are effective to activate students' background knowledge about the content and structures of texts to be read. Vocabulary is another difficult problem to tackle. In general, when students encounter unknown words, their immediate response is to look it up in the dictionary. Dictionaries can certainly satisfy some of students' needs, but too much dependence on dictionaries only impedes their pleasure of reading. Most studies suggest that guessing word meanings from context is the most important strategy for coping with the problem. Knowledge sources used in inferencing are further divided into grammatical knowledge, word morphology, punctuation and world knowledge.
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