

作者(外文):Chen, Yi Ju
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(17) 博士論文(0) 專書(1) 專書論文(2)
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1.Kolbo, J. R.、Blakely, E. H.、Engleman, D.(1996)。Children who witness domestic violence: A review of empirical literature。Journal of Interpersonal Violence,11(2),281-293。  new window
2.Layzer, J. J.、Goodson, B. D.、Delange, C.(1986)。Children in shelter。Response to Victimization of Women and Children,9(2),2-5。  new window
3.Graham-Bermann, S. A.、Levendosky, A. A.(1998)。Traumatic stress symptoms in children of battered women。Journal of Interpersonal Violence,13(1),111-128。  new window
4.Holden, G. W.、Ritchie, K. L.(1991)。Linking extreme marital discord, child rearing, and child behavior problems: Evidence from battered women。Child Development,62(2),311-327。  new window
5.Hughes, H. M.、Parkinson, D.、Vargo, M.(1989)。Witnessing spouse abuse and experiencing physical abuse: A "double whammy"?。Journal of Family Violence,4(2),197-209。  new window
6.Edleson, J. L.(1999)。The overlap between child maltreatment and woman battering。Violence Against Women,5(2),134-154。  new window
1.Straus, M. A.(1991)。Children as witness to marital violence: A risk factor for long problems among a national representative sample of American men and women。Ross Roundtable on "Children and Violence"。Washington, D.C.。  new window
1.沈慶鴻(1997)。婚姻暴力代間傳遞之分析研究(博士論文)。國立彰化師範大學。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.趙小玲(1999)。國小學童所知覺的家庭暴力與行為問題的關連之研究(碩士論文)。臺東師範學院。  延伸查詢new window
3.曾慶玲(1998)。父母親婚姻暴力對兒童問題行為影響研究(碩士論文)。國立臺灣師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
4.劉蓉果(1998)。子女知覺父母婚姻衝突對其適應發展的影響(碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Peled, E.、Davis, D.(1995)。Groupwork with children of battered women--a practitioner's guide。Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage。  new window
2.Plede, E.、Jaffe, P. G.、Edleson, J. L.(1995)。Ending the cycle of violence: Community response to children of battered women。Thousand Oak, CA:Sage。  new window
3.Jaffe, P. G.、Wolfe, D. A.、Wilson, S. K.(1990)。Children of battered women。Sage。  new window
4.Pahl, J.(1985)。Private violence and public policy: The needs of battered women and the response of the public service。London:Routledge and Kegan Paul。  new window
1.Rosenberg, M. S.、Giberson, R. S.(1991)。The child witness of family violence。Case Studies In Family Violence。New York:Plenum Press。  new window
2.Echlin, C.、Marshall, L.(1995)。Child Protection services for children of battered women。Ending the cycle of violence: Community response to children of battered women。Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage。  new window
3.Carlson, E. B.(1998)。Children of Batterede Women: Research, Programs, and Services。Helping Battered Women-New perspectives and Remedies。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
4.Lehmann, P.、Carlson, B. E.(1998)。Chrisis Intervention with Traumatized Child Witnesses in Shelters for Battered Women。Battered Women and Their Family: lntervention Strategies and Treatment Program。New York:Springer。  new window
5.Holden, George W.(1998)。Introduction: The development of research into another consequence of family violence。Children exposed to marital violence: Theory, research, and applied issues。Washington, DC:American Psychological Association。  new window
6.Peled, E.(1997)。“Secondary" victims no more: Refocusing intervention with children。Future intervention with battered women and their family。Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage。  new window
7.Wolak, J.、Finkelhor, D.(1998)。Children exposed to partner violence。Partner violence: A comprehensive review of 20 years of research。Sage。  new window
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