

書刊名:資訊管理研究. 中央大學
作者:蕭惟隆陳禹辰 引用關係
作者(外文):Shiao, Wei-lungChen, Yu-chen
主題關鍵詞:供應鏈整合跨組織資訊系統供應鏈管理個案研究Supply chain integrationInter-organizational information systemSupply chain managementCase study research
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1.何雅雯(1998)。影響中衛體系廠商的EDI效益與持續使用意願之因素--由社會關係與組織因素探討(碩士論文)。國立中央大學。  延伸查詢new window
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1.Simchi-Levi, D.、Kaminsky, P.、Simchi-Levi, E.(2000)。Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts strategies and case studies。New York。  new window
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4.Yin, Robert K.(1994)。Case study research: Design and methods。Sage Publications。  new window
1.李昌雄(2000)。我國產業EB應用與研發典範案例之研究與編撰計畫建議書。  延伸查詢new window
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3.吳駿賢(1996)。企業導入電子資料交的技術與跨組織協調之個案研究。  延伸查詢new window
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6.J. Y. Bakos and M. E. Treacy(198606)。Information Technology and Coporate Strategy: A Research Perspective。  new window
7.R. T. Benjamin, D. W. de Long and M. S. Scott Morton(1990)。Electronic Data Interchange: How much competitive advantage?。  new window
8.Christopher, Martin, Logistics and Supply Chain Management(1998)。Financial Times Professional Limited。  new window
9.F. K. Clemons, S. P. Reddi and M. Row(1993)。The Impact for Information Technology on the Organization of Economic Activity: Move to the Middle Hypothsis。  new window
10.Corbett, Charles J, Joseph D. Blackburn and Luk N. Van Wassenhove(1999 Summe)。Partnerships to Improve Supply Chains。  new window
11.G. DeSanctis and M. S. Poole(199405)。Capturing the Complexity in the Advanced Technology Use: Adaptive Structuration Theory。  new window
12.J. B. Donald(1992)。Integrated Supply Chain Management : A Strategic Imperative。  new window
13.Fisher, L. Marshall(199703-04)。What is the Right Supply Chain for your Product。  new window
14.V. Grover(199305-06)。An Empirically Derived Model for the Adoption of Customer-based Interorganizational Systems。  new window
15.V. Grover and M. D. Goslar(1993)。The Initiation, Adoption and Implementation of Telecommunications Technologies in U.S. Organizations。  new window
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17.R. O’Callaghan, P. J. Kaufmann and B. R. Konsysnski(199204)。Adoption Correlates and Share Effects of Electronic Data Systems in Marketing Channels。  new window
18.W. J. Orlikowski and D. Robey(199106)。Information Technology and the Structuring of Organizations。  new window
19.Paul D. Larson(1994)。An Empirical Study Of Inter-Organizational Functional Integration And Total Cost。  new window
20.K. Ramamurthy and G. Premkumar(199511)。Determinants and Outcomes of Electronic Data Interchange Diffusion。  new window
21.M. Robert and P. James(19960111)。Supplier integration: A new level of supply chain management。  new window
22.C. Scott and R. Westbrook(1990)。New Strategic Tools for Supply Chain Management。  new window
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