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2.Bound, John、Johnson, George(1992)。Changes in the Structure of Wages in the 1980s: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations。American Economic Review,82(3),371-392。  new window
3.Gibbs, J. P.、Poston, Dudley L. Jr.(1975)。The Division of Labor: Conceptualization and Related Measures。Social Forces,53(3),468-476。  new window
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5.Blau, Peter M.(1977)。A macrosociological theory of social structure。American Journal of Sociology,83(1),26-54。  new window
6.Clemente, F.、Sturgis, R. B.(1972)。The Division of Labor in America: An Ecological Analysis。Social Forces,51(2),176-182。  new window
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8.DiNardo, John、Fortin, Nicole M.、Lemieux, Thomas(1996)。Labor Market Institutions and the Distribution of Wages, 1973-1992: A Semiparametric Approach。Econometrica,64(5),1001-1044。  new window
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10.Gibbs, J.、Browning, H.(1966)。The Division of Labor, Technology and the Organization of Production in Twelve Counties。American Sociological Review,31,81-92。  new window
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15.Browning, H.、Gibbs, J.(1971)。Intra-Industry Division of Labor:The States of Mexico。Demography,8,233-245。  new window
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20.Juhn, Chinhui、Murphy, Kevin M.、Pierce, Brooks(1993)。Wage inequality and the rise in returns to skill。Journal of Political Economy,101(3),410-442。  new window
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1.Heckerman, D. C.(1970)。Exchange Rate Systems and the Efficient Allocation of Risk。The symposium on trade, growth and balance of payments。University of Chicago。  new window
1.Goldthorpe, John H.(1980)。Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
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5.陳寬政、陳文玲(1982)。「社會分化與收斂的模型」社會科學整合論文集。  延伸查詢new window
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13.王春源(1997)。臺灣總體經濟發展。台北:雙葉書廊。  延伸查詢new window
1.Kindleberger, Charles P.(1973)。Money Illusion and Foreign Exchange。Leading Issues in International Economic Policy。Lexington, Massachusetts:D. C. Heath and Company。  new window
2.Alexander, S. S.(1967)。Effect of a Devaluation on a Trade Balance。Readings in International Economics。Homewood, III:Richard D. Irwin, Inc.。  new window
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