

作者:王永慈 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, Yeong Tsyr
主題關鍵詞:社會排除貧窮Social exclusionPoverty
原始連結:連回原系統網址new window
  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(48) 博士論文(9) 專書(3) 專書論文(3)
  • 排除自我引用排除自我引用:45
  • 共同引用共同引用:285
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1.Dowling, Monica(1999)。Social Exclusion, Inequality and Social Work。Social Policy And Administration,33(3),245-261。  new window
2.Bowes, A. M.、Domokos, T. Meehan(1998)。Health Visitors-Work in a Multi-ethnic Society: a Qualitative Study of Social Exclusion。Journal of Social Policy,27,489-506。  new window
3.Fawcett, Helen、Papadopoulos, Theodoras N.(1997)。Social Exclusion, Social Citizenship and De-commodification: an evaluation of the adequacy of support for the unemployment in the European Union。West European Politics,20(3),1-30。  new window
4.Sherr, Albert(1999)。Transformations in Social Work: from help towards social inclusion to the management of exclusion European。Journal of Social Work,2(1),15-25。  new window
5.Beland, Daniel、Hansen, Randall(2000)。Reforming the French Welfare State: Solidarity, Social Exclusion and the Three Crises of Citizenship。West European Politics,23(1),47-64。  new window
6.Burchardt, Tania、Le Grand, Julian、Piachaud, David(1999)。Social Exclusion in Britain 1991-1995。Social Policy and Administration,33(3),227-244。  new window
7.Penna, Sue、Paylor, Ian、Washington, John(2000)。Globalization, Social Exclusion and the Possibility for Global Social Work and Welfare。European Journal of Social Work,3(2),109-122。  new window
8.古允文、詹宜璋(199806)。臺灣地區老人經濟安全與年金政策:社會排除觀點初探。人文及社會科學集刊,10(2),191-225。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.王永慈(2000)。對未來社會救助政策規劃的再思考。跨世紀社會福利研討會,立法院厚生會、財團法人厚生基金會、立法委員黃明和國會辦公室 。  延伸查詢new window
2.Gallie, Duncan、Paugam, Serge、Jacobs, Sheila(2001)。Unemployment, Poverty and Social Isolation: Is there a Vicious Circle of Social Exclusion。The European Science Foundation conference on Labor Markets, Unemployment and Citizenship,(會議日期: 2001/04/21-04/25)。Helsinki。  new window
3.吳忠吉(2001)。業界與勞工的處境。當前失業問題研討會,中央研究院社會問題研究推動委員會(主辦) (會議日期: 2001/03/16)。台北:中央研究院社會問題研究推動委員會。15-38。  延伸查詢new window
1.Moisio, Pasi(2000)。The Risk of Social Exclusion in the EU。CEPS/INSTEAD Luxembourg。  new window
2.Wilson, W. J.(1987)。The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy。Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press。  new window
3.林萬億(19940000)。福利國家:歷史比較的分析。臺北:巨流。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.曾敏傑(1996)。臺灣客觀生活品質的變遷:一九六四-一九九三。華人社會社會指標研究新領域。香港:中文大學香港亞太研究所。  延伸查詢new window
2.Barry, Monica(1998)。Social Exclusion and Social Work: An Introduction。Social Exclusion and Social Work: Issues of Theory, Policy and Practice。Russell House Publishing。  new window
3.Burden, Tom(2000)。Poverty。Policy Responses to Social Exclusion towards inclusion?。Buckingham:Open University Press。  new window
4.Kronauer, Martin(1998)。'Social exclusion' and 'underclass': new concepts for the analysis of poverty。Empirical Poverty Research in a Comparative Perspective。Ashgate。  new window
5.Stem, Mark J.(1997)。Poverty and Post Modernity。Social Work in the 21st Century。CA:Pine Forge Press。  new window
6.Littlewood, Paul、Herkommer, Sebastian(1999)。Identifying Social Exclusion: Some Problems of Meaning。Social Exclusion in Europe: Problems and Paradigms。Ashgate。  new window
7.Percy-Smith, Janie(2000)。Introduction: The Contours of Social Exclusion。Policy Responses to Social Exclusion: Towards Inclusion?。Open University Press。  new window
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