

作者:陳嵩 引用關係陳光偉
作者(外文):Chen, SongChen, Kuang-wei
主題關鍵詞:業務型態製造能力經營績效Business patternsManufacturing capabilitiesBusiness performance
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     Scholars of manufacturing strategy have been widely advocated that the fitting of manufacturing capabilities with business strategy is a key a long-term success, but this proposition has seldom verified empirically. Because the Choice of business patterns (e.g. OEM, ODM or OBM) for a given product is a important strategic decision-making, this study attempts to explore the moderating effect of business patterns on the relationship of manufacturing capabilities to business performance. Fifty-eight manufacturers from information hardware industry in Taiwan were sampled as subjects. Results of moderated regression analysis indicate that the greater the ratio of OEM and ODM business, the greater the positive impact of manufacturing's customer responsiveness on business performance. The findings also show that the greater the ratio of OBM business, the greater the positive impact of manufacturing's quality capability on business performance. Finally, managerial implications in development of manufacturing capabilities and recommendations for future research are presented.
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