

作者:林達森 引用關係
作者(外文):lin, Ta-sen
主題關鍵詞:九年一貫課程學校本位課程Nine-year curriculumSchool-based curriculum
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     已於今年八月開跑上路的九年一貫課程,將課程發展設計的主導權下放至各校教 師及管理者手上,也凸顯了此次中小學課程改革的意向,將過去由上而下的課程傳播模式推 翻,而希望能以由下而上的模式建立新世紀課程與教學的典範,以期使課程更能符合學習者 與教學者的真正需要,使得作為學習者與教學者之間橋樑的課程更能發揮其功能。本文由簡 介學校本位課程的起源與定義著手,進而剖析採行學校本位課程之理由,並比較國內外學者 相關論點,從而提出落實學校本位課程之障礙與相關問題,終以建立一個未來國內中小學課 程發展之模式作結。
     Nine-year curriculum which is just on the road, empowering the teachers and the stake-holders to develop curriculum, and replaced the tradition top-down model with a bottom-up model, is hopeful of adapting teaching to individual difference and making curriculum as a bridge between the teacher and the taught. So, nine-year curriculum is essentially a school-based curriculum other than an integrated curriculum. This paper was written with an attempt: (1) to explore origin and conceptualisation of school-based curriculum; (2) to analyse the rationale for school-based curriculum; (3) to compare variant perspectives; (4) to discuss obstacles and problems related implementing school-based curriculum; (5) at last, end up with constructing a model for developing school-based curriculum for domestic primary and secondary school curriculum for the future.
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