

作者(外文):Chen, Chiu-meiKo, Su-hwa
主題關鍵詞:生產方式初產婦產後初期關注衛教需求PrimiparasConcernsKnowledge needsMode of deliveryEarly postpartum
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     The purpose of the study was to identify the difference of primiparas' concerns and knowledge needs during the early postpartum between the different mode of delivery type. 120 vaginal birth mothers and 80 cesarean section mothers were administered during their postpartum 1-3days from the postpartum units of 4 regional hospitals in the middle of Taiwan. The results revealed that: (1) The difference between vaginal and cesarean section birth was significantly concerned with self-care, the priority concerns of vaginal birth mothers were "uterine massage and recovery of uterine", "nipples' care during breast feeding" and "personal hygiene", otherwise the cesarean section mothers were "wound care". (2) All new mothers priority concerned and needed the knowledge about baby-care. (3) The concerns and knowledge needs were not significant relative to the mode of delivery, but the knowledge needs of primiparas were relative to the concerns significantly.
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