

作者(外文):Lu, Dau-jye
主題關鍵詞:野生動物保護區經營管理地方分權參與Wildlife refugeProtected area managementDecentralizationParticipation
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While traditional centralized approaches for protected area management, such as the Yellowstone National Park model in the USA, have been popularly adopted in the world, in the last two decades, there has been increasing interest in decentralized and participatory approaches based on the local community. However, there is debate within the international conservation community about the relative merits of these two approaches. Despit these discussions, conservationists pay attention to ways of including the local community in management institutions of protected areas, building links between authorities and the local community, and sharing the power of policy making. This study uses the Wu-wei-Kang Wildlife Refuge in Ilan and the Nan-zi-shin River Fresh Water Fish Wildlife Refuge in shan-ming, Kaohsiung as case studies in order to discuss issues of management for protedcted areas. Analysis of these case studies shows that the current wildlife refuge system has a number of characteristics of a centralized approach despite the fact that the local authority is designed and designated as its major management body. This study reveals that this kind of management style needs sufficient financial support to maintain its management quality. It also reveals that the transfer of policy-making and implementation authority from central to local government also needs the support of budget and power sharing between government agencies and stakeholders. Economic incentive is one of the main tools that may be used to ensure recognition of the local community. There must be transparent access to information and a delicate benefit distribution process other than resources use, in order to develop interactive communications with stakeholders. Overall, it is necessary to have clear objectives, flexible frameworks and open attitudes in order to create a healthy forum for different idas and positions and to develop adaptive protected area management for diversified situations.
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