

作者(外文):Cheng, Rong-ing
主題關鍵詞:乙腈丙酮脫附效率溶劑脫附AcetonitrileAcetoneDesorption efficiencySolvent extraction
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     目前官方之乙?採樣分析方法是以苯作為脫附溶劑,不僅溶劑毒性高且脫附效率低,以低毒性溶劑取代有其迫切性,本研究將尋找低毒性的溶劑取代苯,改進目前官方使用的採樣分析方法。 比較二硫化碳、甲醇、丙酮、苯及甲苯五種常用溶劑對乙?單點濃度的脫附效率,結果顯示丙酮最佳。以5mL 丙酮為脫附溶劑,測得0.392mg、0.783mg、1.57rug乙?於 400mg/200mg 活性碳管之平均脫附效率 93.2%,平均變異係數1.93,本研究分析方法可量測濃度範圍0.0157mg/mL至0.6264 mg/mL,相關係數0.9999,可量化最低濃度為0.0157mg/mL,相對預測偏差-1.78%,樣品可儲放穩定天數21天,本研究成功改用較低毒性之脫附溶劑且大幅提高乙?之脫附效率。
     The sampling and analytical method documented in governmental file for acetonitrile is using benzene as desorption solvent, which is highly toxic and desorption efficiency is not sufficient. Therefore, there is a need to expeditiously substitute benzene by a solvent with lower toxicity and better desorption efficiency. This study is finding a solvent with lower toxicity to improve the official sampling and analytical method for acetonitrile. Among five frequently used acetonitrile desorption solvents: carbon disulfide, methanol, acetone, benzene and toluene, acetone has the best single concentration desorption efficiency. When spiked 0.392mg. 0.783mg and 1.57rug of acetonitrile to a 400mg/200mg charcoal tube (coconut shell based), and used 5mL of acetone as desorption solvent, the average desorption efficiency is 93.2% and coefficient of variation is 1.93. Measurable concentration range of this method is from 0.0157 mg/mL to 0.6264 mg/mL, correlation coefficient is 0.9999. Lowest quantifiable concentration is 0.0157mg/mL, relative prediction deviation is -1.78%, and samples can be stable stored for up to 21 days. This study successfully substituted with a solvent of lower toxicity and greatly improved the desorption efficiency of the acetonitrile.
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