

作者(外文):Chen, Chi-bin
主題關鍵詞:入仕士人平民土地抗爭春秋商人貴族Becoming bureaucratsThe state bureaucratsThe commonersLandResistanceMerchantsChuen-qiouNobilities
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     After the Cuen-Qiou Period, the Zhou Dynsty has obviously entered into a time when the ancient nobilities and feudal society have gradually dissolved and disintegrated. In contrast, the political power of the lower-class society was increasing. The social change often affected the political revolutions and the rise and fall of the states. From an alternate point of view, this is really the manifestation of the commoners' power, the awakening of the lower-class society. This paper proposes to investigate such a social change in the Chune-Qiou Period. It first investigates the formation of private property, the development of the small businesses, and the changes in the economic structures in relation to its impact on the society. Then secondly, from how the commoners resisted the ruling class's exploitation, it investigates how the commoner's political power increased. Finally it investigates how the state bureaucrats descended on the commoner's society, becoming the head of the four classes among the people as the time kept the effect of dispersion. This last phenomenon also interestingly provided the commoners a path to becoming a state bureaucrat, shouldering culture. From the change in the lower-class shouldering culture. From the change in the lower-class society we see that the common people as a class have gradually left the limbo of stupidity, manifesting its rich energy in the opulent repertoire of life force.
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