

作者:吳萬益 引用關係林文寶 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Wann-yihLin, Wen-bao
主題關鍵詞:主管行為組織文化學習型組織學習方式倒傳遞類神經網路Executive behaviorOrganizational cultureLearning organizationOrganized way to learnBackpropagation neural network
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The study aims at exploring the impacts of backpropagation nervous network system and multivariate analysis on factors of structuring learning-oriented organization and probes into the executives' behaviors, organizational culture, organized way to learn as well as the relationship between the establishment of the learning-oriented organization and management performance. The questionnaire survey with 153 enterprises and data analysis results yielded the findings which are highlighted; the adoption of organized way to learning show significant correlation with "innovating development", "rigid monitoring" and "organizational recognition". The adoption of organized way to learn is positive and significant toward the relationship between executive behaviors and learning-oriented organization. Besides, executives must adopt aggressive behavior and are helpful of building learning-oriented organization Besides, inside the organization, the positive attitude taken in the executive behaviors and the way to obtain and retain information show positive and significant influence on the open-up organizational system. The learning-oriented organizations of different lines cast positive and significant influence on the market performance and organization's performance.
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