

作者(外文):Lin, Hsi-chuan
主題關鍵詞:區域計畫功能性區域計畫區域治理漸進調適新體制論調節理論都市機制理論Regional planningFunctional regional planningRegional governanceNew institutionalismIncrementalismUrban regime theoryRegulation theory
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“Rediscovering the region” has become an important practical and academic theme in the Western planning field for more than a decade. It’s especially true when we are confronted with problems that involve cross-nation or –border issues and are therefore not subject to conventional planning and administrative solutions. Cross-jurisdictional co-operation, alliance, and the establishment of regional governance systems have been proposed and tested. The institutions of regional planning in this country are currently being transformed, in order to launch a regional planning system that respects regionalism and area-wide functions. This attempt implicates the question of governance, namely, how regional plans should be made and imposed. This paper first examines problems and predicaments of the existing regional planning system, and explains ideas of regional governance. Then the paper introduces and categorizes experiences of solving regional development problems and founding relevant management systems in Germany, the U. K., France, the U. S. A., and Belgium. Efforts are also made to apply neo-institutionalism, incrementalism, urban regime theory and regulation theory in constructing an analytic model of “organic-adaptation”, which describes the major variables and dynamic political processes in regional governance. Finally, based on the lessons from foreign cases, the author makes suggestions for relevant future institutional development in this country.
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