

作者(外文):Chang, Chia-huiChen, Ping-chung
主題關鍵詞:放聲思考法新聞編輯網路媒介問題解決Think aloudNews editorsInternet mediaProblem solving
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隨著網路媒體的興起,產生了大量的電子報新聞編輯人員,由於網路新聞強調即時性,讓傳統的編輯流程產生巨大的轉變。本文利用晚近在口語認知學派所興起的放聲思考法 (think aloud) ,以「問題解決」( problem solving) 為理論基礎,試圖描繪出網路媒介編輯人員和一般傳統媒介的新聞編輯人員,在進行編輯作業的工作時,其所運用的知識結構及專業新聞價值觀土,有何不同之處。研究結果顯示,網路媒體的特性,逐漸地產生不同的新聞室控制,對於新聞人員在專業能力及新聞價值觀上,逐漸出現一股改變的力量。
With the coming era of the Internet there are more and more journalists working as editors for electronic newspapers’ and their working process is much different from traditional media because of the characteristic of the Internet. Based on the theory of "problem solving", the article used the methodology of "think aloud" to understand the differences of the editors’ decision-making between electronic newspapers and the traditional press, and how they use their knowledge in problems solving. As the result it is different between the traditional media and the Internet in terms of the values of news and journalist’ expertise because of the changing style of newsroom control.
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