

作者:陳金海 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, King-hai
主題關鍵詞:桌球綜合技術發球搶攻接發球搶攻相持能力Table tennisCompound skillService-attackReceive-attackRally capacity
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     The purpose of this study was to analyze each compound skill performance of the world outstanding male table tennis sportsmen in single games. This study also predicts the six compound skills that would affect the performance. The result is used to be important reference material when internal coaches teach and train. The research objects of this article are 18 outstanding sportsmen who attended the 1999 International Table Tennis Federation Professional Performances Tour Event and entered the top four. Each compound skill performance data in 20 contests (including 40 materials) were analyzed by using methods of simultaneous regression and descriptive statistics. The results came out that among each compound skill score rates the service-attack forehand side was more superior while the rally capacity forehand side was used most often. At the same time, the result of analyzing by simultaneous regression was that the service-attack forehand side could predict the performance most among all compound skill items. The rest items are ranked in order as follows: rally capacity forehand side、receive-attack forehand side、rally capacity backhand side、receive-attack backhand side and service-attack backhand side. In the future when making training plans, coaches could consult the condition of each compound skill's performances. Therefore, thorough and variform strategies could be built and there would by more outstanding performances in the world table tennis field.
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