

作者:邱志賢毛國楠 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiu, Chih-hsienMao, Kuo-nan
主題關鍵詞:未知數文字題另類概念學生生手學生專家Algebraic word-problemAlternative conceptsStudent-noviceStudent-expert
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     本研究的目的有二:(一)探討學生在解數學未知數文字題時,在解題歷程中產生的另類概念;(二)探討學生專家與學生生手在解數學未知數文題時,在解歷程中認知差異的情形。為了達成上述研究目的,研究者以基隆市12位國小六年級的學生為樣本,以非同步放聲思考法分析其在「應用題能力測驗」、「數學解題歷程評量表」的表現。另外,本研究也針對12位目前任教國小的教師,進行非正式的訪談。本研究主要發現為:(一)學生在解題歷程中,有「不習慣運用未知數的概念」、「列式時無法分辨算式或等式」等另類概念存在;(二)學生專家與學生生手在解題歷程的差異表現,有「學生專家能夠具有題目中的 重要基模」、「學生專家的解題策略較多元化」等現象存在。
     The major purpose of the study was to (1)explore the alternative concepts in the process of solving word-problem; and (2)explore the differences between expert-student and novice-student. The subjects was twelve sixth grade students and teachers in the primary school. Through non-synchronic thinking-aloud method, the subjects are analyzed by their performances on the Test of Word-Problems and Test of Process of Solving Problems. The findings were as follows: (a)students do not know something about algebraic word-problems well and do not differentiate differences between algorithm and equality; (b)expert-student can catch the key point when reading the questions and their strategies are multiple and diverse when solving the word-problems.
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