

作者(外文):Hung, Lu-hsung
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8.Perlmutter, Amos、LeoGrande, William M.(1982)。The Party in Uniform: Toward a Theory of Civil-Military Relations in Communist Political Systems。The American Political Science Review,76(4),778-789。  new window
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16.Bienen, Henry(1968)。The Military Intervenes。New York:The Russell Sage Foundation。  new window
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1.鄭念群(19900810)。評「軍隊非政治化」的謬論。  延伸查詢new window
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2.Kolkowicz, Roman(1971)。The Military。Interest Groups in Soviet Politics。Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press。  new window
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4.Kolkowicz, Roman(1978)。Interest Groups in Soviet Politics: The Case of the Military。Civil-military Relations in Communist Systems。Boulder, CO:Westview。  new window
5.Joffe, Ellis(1999)。The Military and China's New Politics: Trends and Counter Trends。The People's Liberation Army in the Information Age。Santa Monica, Calif:Rand Corporation。  new window
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11.Colton, Timothy J.(1990)。Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations in the Soviet Union。Soldiers and the Soviet State: Civil-Military Relations from Brezhnev to Gorbachev。Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press。  new window
12.Joffe, Ellis(1999)。Concluding Comment: The Political Angle-New Phenomena in Party-Army Relations。The Chinese Armed Forces in the 21st Century。Carlisle, PA:Strategic Studies Institute:U.S. army War College。  new window
13.Colton, Timothy J.(1978)。The Party-Military Connection: A Participatory Model。Civil-Military Relations in Communist Systems。Boulder, CO:Westview。  new window
14.Odom, William E.(1978)。The Party-Military Connection: A Critique。Civil-Military Relations in Communist Systems。Boulder, CO:Westview。  new window
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