

作者:曹添旺 引用關係陳憶萱
作者(外文):Tsaur, Tien-wangChen, Yi-shuan
主題關鍵詞:延伸性小型開放經濟模型國外實質面干擾體制崩潰匯率動態Extended small open economy modelForeign real disturbancesRegime collapseExchange rate dynamics
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1.Flood, Robert P.(1979)。Capital Mobility and the Choice of Exchange Rate System。International Economic Review,20(2),405-416。  new window
2.Buiter, Willem H.(1987)。Borrowing to Defend the Exchange Rate and the Timing of and Magnitude of Speculative Attacks。Journal of International Economics,23(3/4),221-239。  new window
3.Obstfeld, Maurice(1984)。Balance-of-Payments Crises and Devaluation。Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking,16(2),208-217。  new window
4.Salant, S.、Henderson, D.(1978)。Market Anticipation of Government Policy and the Price of Gold。Journal of Political Economy,86(4),627-648。  new window
5.賴景昌、謝宜倪、張文雅(19960300)。雙元匯率的套匯活動與體制崩潰。經濟論文叢刊,24(1),61-94。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.Krugman, Paul R.(1979)。A Model of Balance-of-payments Crises。Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,11(3),311-325。  new window
7.曹添旺、黃俊傑(20000900)。國際金融衝擊、貨幣供給調整與價格體制崩潰。經濟論文叢刊,28(3),323-349。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.Flood, R. P.、Garber, P. M.(1984)。Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes: Some Linear Examples。Journal of International Economics,17(1/2),1-13。  new window
9.曹添旺、張植榕(19980600)。國際金融衝擊、匯率干預與物價波動。經濟論文,26(2),113-155。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.朱美麗、曹添旺(19870900)。產出水準、股票市場與滙率動態調整。經濟論文,15(2),45-59。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.Dornbusch, R.(1976)。Exchange Rate Expectation and Monetary Policy。Journal of International Economics,6(4),231-244。  new window
12.Niehans, J.(1975)。Some Doubts about the Efficacy of Monetary Policy under Flexible Exchange Rates。Journal of International Economics,5(3),275-281。  new window
13.張文雅、曹添旺(1999)。金融危機的研究及其對臺灣的啟示-兼論未來的研究方向。臺灣經濟預測與政策,30(1),91-102。new window  延伸查詢new window
14.Blackburn, Keith(1988)。Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Some Further Examples。Journal of International Money and Finance,7(4),373-385。  new window
15.Willman, A.(1989)。Devaluation Expectations and Speculative Attacks on the Currency。Scandinavian Journal of Economics,91(1),97-116。  new window
16.Flood, R. P.、Bhandari, J. S.、Agenor, P. R.(1992)。Speculative Attacks and Models of Balance of Payments Crises。IMF Staff Papers,39(2),357-394。  new window
17.Bhandari, Jagdeep S.(1982)。Informational Efficiency and the Open Economy。Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,14(4),457-478。  new window
18.Cox, W. Michael(1980)。Unanticipated Money, Output, and Prices in the Small Economy。Journal of Monetary Economics,6(3),359-384。  new window
19.Krugman, P. R.(1989)。The J-curve, the Fire Sale, and the Hard Landing。The American Economic Review,79(2),31-35。  new window
20.陳淑華、曹添旺(1999)。貨幣危機的研究:省思與啟示。現代學術研究,9,119-129。  延伸查詢new window
21.Djajic, S.(1989)。Dynamics of the Exchange Rate in Anticipation of Pegging。Journal of International Money and Finance,8,559-571。  new window
1.Gandolfo, G.(1980)。Economic Dynamics: Methods and Models。Amsterdam:North-Holland。  new window
2.Obstfeld, M.(1988)。Competitiveness, Realignment, and Speculation: The Role of Financial Markets。The European Monetary System。Cambridge。  new window
1.黃俊傑,曹添旺(1999)。國際金融衝擊、政府支出調整與體制崩潰,0。  延伸查詢new window
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