

作者:張振崗 引用關係
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1.Horswill, C. A.(1993)。Weight loss and weight cycling in amateur wrestlers: implications for performance and resting metabolic rate。International Journal of Sport Nutrition,3,245-260。  new window
2.Horswill, C. A.、Scott, J. R.、Dick, R. W.、Hayes, J.(1994)。Influence of rapid weight gain after the weigh-in on success in collegiate wrestlers。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,26(10),1290-1294。  new window
3.McMurray, R. G.、Proctor, C. R.、Wilson, W. L.(1991)。Effect of caloric deficit and dietary manipulation on aerobic and anaerobic exercise。International Journal of Sports Medicine,12(2),167-72。  new window
4.Widerman, P. M.、Hagan, R. D.(1982)。Body weight loss in a wrestler preparing for competition: A case report。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,14,413-418。  new window
5.Anonymous(1998)。Hyperthermia and dehydration-related deaths associated with intentional rapid weight loss in three collegiate wrestlers-North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan, November-December 1997。MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,47,105-108。  new window
6.Houston, M. E.、Sharratt, M. T.、Bruce, R. W.(1983)。Glycogen depletion and lactate responses in freestyle wrestling。Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences,8,79-82。  new window
7.Marks, B. L.、Ward, A.、Morris, D. H.、Castellani, J.、Rippe, J. M.(1995)。Fat-free mass is maintained in women following a moderate diet and exercise program。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,27,1243-1251。  new window
8.Oppliger, R. A.、Case, H. S.、Horswill, C. A.、Landry, G. L.、Shelter, A. C.(1996)。American College of Sports Medicine position stand。Weight loss in wrestlers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,28,ix-xii。  new window
9.Piatti, P. M.、Monti, F.、Fermo, I.、Baruffaldi, L.、Nasser, R.、Santambrogio, G.、Librenti, M. C.(1994)。Hypocaloric high-protein diet improves glucose oxidation and spares lean body mass: comparison to hypocaloric highcarbohydrate diet。Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental,43,1481-1487。  new window
10.Vazquez, J. A.、Kazi, U.、Madani, N.(1995)。Protein metabolism during weight reduction with very-low-energy diets: evaluation of the independent effects of protein and carbohydrate on protein sparing。American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,62,93-103。  new window
11.Bryner, R. W.、Ullrich, I. H.、Sauers, J.、Donley, D.、Hornsby, G.、Kolar, M.、Yeater, R.(1999)。Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate。Journal of the American College of Nutrition,18(2),115-121。  new window
12.Rankin, J. W.、Ocel, J. V.、Craft, L. L.(1996)。Effect of weight loss and refeeding diet composition on anaerobic performance in wrestlers。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,28(10),1292-1299。  new window
13.Steen, S. N.、Brownell, K. D.(199012)。Patterns of weight loss and regain in wrestlers: has the tradition changed?。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,22(6),762-768。  new window
14.Horswill, C. A.、Hickner, R. C.、Scott, J. R.、Costill, D. L.、Gould, D.(1990)。Weight loss, dietary carbohydrate modifications and high intensity physical performance。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,22(4),470-476。  new window
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