

作者:詹文男范錚強 引用關係張朝清
作者(外文):Tsan, VictorFarn, C. K.Chang, C. C.
主題關鍵詞:智慧資本個案研究資訊產業Intellectual capitalCase studyInformation industry
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1.Bell, C. R.(1997)。Intellectual Capital。Executive Excellence,14(1),12-17。  new window
2.Novak, Thomas P.、Hoffman, Donna L.、Duhachek, Adam(2003)。The Influence of Global-Directed and Experiential Activities on Online Flow Experiences。Journal of Consumer Psychology,13(1/2),3-16。  new window
3.Brooking, Annie、Board, Peter、Jones, Sue(1998)。The Predictive Potential of Intellectual Capital。International Journal of Technology Management,16(1-3),115-125。  new window
4.Masoulas, V.(1998)。Organizational requirements definition for intellectual capital management。International Journal of Technology Management,16(1-3),126-143。  new window
5.Roos, Johan(1998)。Exploring the Concept of Intellectual Capital (IC)。Long Range Planning,31(1),150-153。  new window
6.Johnson, W. H. A.(1999)。An Integrative Taxonomy of Intellectual Capital: Measuring the Stock and Flow of Intellectual Capital Components in the Firm。International Journal of Technology Management,18(5-8),562-575。  new window
7.Agor, Weston H.(1997)。The measurement, use and development of intellectual capital to increase public sector productivity。Public Personnel Management,26(2),175-186。  new window
1.吳思華、黃宛華、賴鈺晶(2000)。智慧資本衡量因素之研究--以我國軟體業為例(碩士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Brooking, A.(1996)。Intellectual capital: Core asset for the third millennium enterprise。International Thomson Business Press。  new window
2.Stewart, Thomas A.(1997)。Intellectual capital: the new wealth of organizations。New York:Bantam DoubIeday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.。  new window
3.Edvinsson, Leif、Malone, Michael S.(1997)。Intellectual capital: realizing your company's true value by finding its hidden brainpower。New York, NY:HarperCollins Publishers Inc.。  new window
4.Sveiby, Karl Erik(1997)。The New Organizational Wealth: Managing and Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets。San Francisco, California:Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.。  new window
5.Yin, Robert K.(1994)。Case study research: Design and methods。Sage Publications。  new window
6.Kaplan, Robert S.、Norton, David P.(1996)。The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action。Boston:Harvard Business School Press。  new window
1.Arthur, W.Brian(1994)。Increasing Return and Path Dependency in the Economy。  new window
2.Grant, R.(1997)。A Knowledge-Based View of the Firm: Implication for Management Practice。  new window
3.Kaplan, R. S.(1993)。Implementing the Balanced Scorecard at FMC Corporation: An Interview with Larry D. Brady。  new window
4.Osborne, Angel(1998)。Measuring intellectual capital : the real value of company。  new window
5.Petty, R. and Guthrie, J.(1999)。Managing Intellectual Capital: From Theory to Practice。  new window
6.Steward, Thomas A.(1994)。Your company’s most valuable asset: Intellectual Capital。  new window
7.陳美純、林子銘(2001)。從整合觀點探討智慧資本之研究--整合觀點,第六屆資管與實務研討會。  延伸查詢new window
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