

作者:翁頌舜 引用關係鄭富山
作者(外文):Weng, Sung-shunCheng, Fu-shan
主題關鍵詞:資料採擷知識探索類神經網路電信欺詐Data miningKnowledge discoveryNeural networksTelecommunication fraud
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     資料採擷(Data Mining)是近年來資料庫應用領域中相當熱門的議題。資料採 擷一般是指在資料庫中,利用各種分析方法與技術,將過去企業所累積的大量歷史資料, 進行分析、歸納與整合等工作,以粹取出有用的資訊,找出使用者有興趣的樣式( Interesting Patterns),提供企業管理階層作為訂定決策的依據。目前,無論是零售業 、百貨業、電子商務公司、金融機構、電信業、網站管理或醫學診斷等,都已經逐漸體認 到資料採擷的重要性,因此也開始積極從事資料採擷的工作,以為企業創造出真正的價值 。然而上述都傾向於從過去大量的歷史資料中去作分析,在現實生活的應用上,有些資訊 是需要即時告知管理者。例如:電話盜撥、網路干擾、信用卡盜刷等,藉由即時告知以將 損失降至最低;而這些異常的情況可能會經常改變,因此要如何應用資料採擷的技術,來 完成一個具有即時性與適應或(Adaptive)的系統,便成為本研究主要的目標。本研究以 電信資料為實驗環境,應用熱力學中的熵函數(Entropy)來作為評估資料庫資訊含量的重 要指標,並利用類神經網路(Neural Networks)的技術,將標示出的正常與異常資料當作 輸入資料,經由不斷地訓練與學習後,期望能夠準確地找出各種異常的情況,以幫助電信 企業管理者做出最佳的決策,為企業謀得最大的利潤。
     In recent years, data mining is one of the top issues in the field of database applications. Data mining generally means that it utilizes various kinds of methods and techniques to mine data. It analyzes, generalizes, and integrates the past, accumulated and large quantity of historical information to find out the interesting patterns and pick out useful information as the basis of decision making processes for business executives. No matter in categories of retailing, electronic commerce, finance, telecommunications, web management, medical diagnosis, or others, people have already recognized the importance of data mining gradually. Therefore, they begin to dedicate to data mining aggressively for creating the real values of the enterprises. However, as stated above, data mining tends to analyze the large quantity of historical data. But in order to apply it in the real world, some information, such as telephone frauds, network interruption, credit fraud and so on, is needed to let the company know in time for minimizing the possible loss. But these abnormal situations may change frequently. How to apply data mining techniques to develop a real time and adaptive system is the main goal of this thesis. This research is based on the telecommunication data and uses the "Entropy" theory of Thermodynamics as the main guide for appraising the information capacity in the databases. We use the marked normal and abnormal data as the input of neural networks. Through the iterative process of training and learning of neural networks, we wish to find out abnormal situations precisely in order to help the business executives making the best strategy to earn the maximum profits for enterprises.
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