

作者:蘇明達 引用關係吳珮瑛林國慶
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1.陳明健、闕雅文(20000600)。農業的環境保育及糧食安全效益評估。臺灣土地金融季刊,37(2),209-237。  延伸查詢new window
2.吳珮瑛、林國慶(19990900)。農產貿易自由化與環境保護問題的探討。臺灣土地金融季刊,36(3)=141,1-8。  延伸查詢new window
3.Pruckner, G. J.(1995)。Agricultural Landscape Cultivation in Austria: An Application of the CVM。European Review of Agricultural Economics,22(2),173-190。  new window
4.Kramer, Randall A.、Mercer, D. Evan(1997)。Valuing a global environmental good: US residents' willingness to pay to protect tropical rain forests。Land Economics,73(2),196-210。  new window
5.Ready, R. C.、Berger, M. C.、Blomquist, G. C.(1997)。Measuring amenity benefits from farmland: Hedonic pricing vs. contingent valuation。Growth and Change,28,438-458。  new window
6.Bennett, J. W.、Carter, M.(1993)。Prospects for Contingent Valuation: Lessons from the South-East Forests。Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics,37,79-93。  new window
7.Brouwer, R.、Slangen, L. H. G.(1998)。Contingent Valuation of the Public Benefits of Agricultural Wildlife Management: the Case of Dutch Peat Meadow Land。European Review of Agricultural Economics,25,53-72。  new window
8.Curry, N.、Stucki, E.(1997)。Swiss Agricultural Policy and the Environment: An Example for the Rest of Europe to Follow。Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,40,465-482。  new window
9.Garrod, G. D.、Willis, K. G.(1995)。Valuing the Benefits of the South Downs Environmentally Sensitive Area。Journal of Agricultural Economics,46,160-173。  new window
10.Gra, R.、Paddock, B.(1993)。Land Set Aside: Is It Food Security?。Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics,41,441-451。  new window
11.Jones, K.(1998)。Who's Afraid of the WTO?。Challenge,41,105-119。  new window
12.Kastens, T. L.、Goodwin, B. K.(1994)。An Analysis of Farmers' Policy Attitudes and Preferences for Free Trade。Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,26,497-505。  new window
13.Orazem, P. F.、Otto, D. M.、Edelman, M. A.(1989)。An Analysis of Farmers' Agricultural Policy Preferences。American Journal of Agricultural Economics,71(4),837-846。  new window
14.陳希煌(19930600)。經濟自由化與稻米政策之調整。農業與經濟,14,1-25。new window  延伸查詢new window
15.Drake, L.(1992)。The Non-marker Value of the Swedish Agricultural Landscape。European Review of Agricultural Economics,19(3),351-361。  new window
16.Willis, K. G.、Garrod, G. D.(1993)。Valuing Landscape: A Contingent Valuation Approach。Journal of Environmental Management,37(1),1-22。  new window
17.Anderson, K.(2000)。Agriculture's "Multifunctionality" and the WTO。The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,44(3),475-494。  new window
1.林國慶、吳珮瑛(1999)。農業補貼制度之調整與穩定農家所得之研究 (計畫編號:88-2101-23-01-08-01)。臺灣大學農業經濟學。  延伸查詢new window
2.林國慶、吳珮瑛(2000)。農業補貼制度之調整與穩定農家所得之研究 (計畫編號:89科技-1.6-企-61 (2))。國立台灣大學農業經濟研究所。  延伸查詢new window
1.Cooper, D. R.、Emory, C. W.(1995)。Business Research Methods。Irwin。  new window
2.Zikmund, William G.(1994)。Business Research Methods。Fort Worth, Texas:Dryden Press。  new window
3.Maddala, G. S.(1983)。Limit-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics。Cambridge University Press。  new window
4.臺灣省政府農林廳(1999)。臺灣農業年報。南投:臺灣省政府農林廳。  延伸查詢new window
5.Mueller, D. J.(1986)。Measuring Social Attitudes: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners。New York:Columbia University。  new window
6.Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute(1998)。Non-trade Concerns in the WTO Negotiations。Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute。  new window
7.Greene, William H.(2000)。Econometric Analysis。Prentice-Hall。  new window
8.Eagly, Alice H.、Chaiken, Shelly(1993)。The Psychology of Attitudes。Harcourt Brace Jovanovich。  new window
1.Drake, L.、Bergstrom, P.、Svedsater, H.(1999)。Farmers' Attitude and Uptake。Countryside Stewardship: Farmers, Policies, and Markets。Oxford:Pergamon。  new window
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