

作者:陳嵩 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Song
主題關鍵詞:製造部門積極性高階主管跨部門整合機制Manufacturing proactivenessTop managersInterdepartmental integration mechanisms
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Scholars of manufacturing strategy suggest that, only manufacturing departments have a future-oriented thinking and an attitude of proactiveness, business performance could improve. There have been a lot of researches investigating the influence of manufacturing proactiveness, or manufacturing's strategic role on business performance. Consequently, empirical results support those scholars' theories. But, how to promote manufacturing proactiveness may this is the problem top managers most concern about. With regret, there has been lack of in-deep researches on the above-mentioned problem. This paper explores the impacts of interdepartmental integration mechanisms and respect for manufacturing by top managers on manufacturing proactiveness. Fifty manufacturers from information hardware industry in Taiwan were sampled as empirical subjects. The empirical results show that respect for manufacturing by top managers and interdepartmental integration mechanisms are the primary factors affecting manufacturing proactiveness. Finally, the implications for management and recommendations for future research are discussed.
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