

作者:李貴英 引用關係
作者(外文):Li, Chatherine
主題關鍵詞:北美自由貿易協定外國投資爭端仲裁徵收補償警察權例外環境保護風險評估The north american free trade agreementNAFTAForeign investment disputes submitted to arbitrationExpropriation and compensationPolice power exceptionEnvironmental protectionAssessment of risks
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     北美自由貿易協定第11章訂定美國,加拿大與墨西哥之間外國投資與解決投資爭端之規則。第11章之目的可歸納為以下三項:第一、明文規定外國投資待遇之準則,以建立安全穩定之投資環境;第二、廢除既存之投資障礙與限制,達成自由化之目標;第三、為地主國與外國投資人之間的爭端提供有效之解決方式。第11章之主要規定可區分為兩部份,亦即第A節與第B節。第A節揭示任一締約國對其他締約國投資人應負之實體義務。第B節則規定若地主國違反第A節所規定之義務,投資人可對地王國政府提起爭端解決。觀諸在第11章之架構下所提出之爭端案件當中,其中數件凸願出一項實際或潛在之衝突,亦即地主國合法採行相關法規或措施以謀求公共利益之時[尤甚涉及環境保護之問題] ,影響到外國投資人之權益,進而引起投資保護之爭議。在何等情況下地主國所採行之環保法規與措施構成可予補償之徵收,係為極具爭議性之法律問題與政策問題。由相關案例之分析中不難發現一項趨勢,亦即外國投資人權利之運用,並不僅限於作為對抗地主國濫用法規措施之防禦工具;在地主國政府採取不利於外國投資人利益的情況下,甚至於發展為具有戰略性攻擊之手段,藉以迫使地主國政府讓步。
     Chapter 11 of The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) provides rules for foreign investment and investment disputes between the United States, Canada and Mexico. This chapter has three objectives: (1) establish a secure investment climate by clearly stating rules of fair treatment of foreign investment; (2) remove current barriers to investment by eliminating or liberalizing restrictions; and (3) provide an effective means for the resolution of disputes between an investor and the member government. Chapter 11 is divided into two primary sections, section A and section B. Section A of Chapter 11 defines the various substantive obligations owed by each NAFTA Party to investors of other parties. Section B provides a mechanism for an investor to pursue a claim against a host government that it has breached its obligations under Section A. Several actions brought by private investors under Chapter 11 present actual or potential conflicts between protection of foreign investors and the right of national or state governments to enact otherwise valid regulations, particularly in the environmental area. When and whether such environmental regulations constitute compensable takings under NAFTA is a critical legal and policy issue. It is increasingly apparent that the private rights of foreign investors are being used not as a defensive protection against government abuse, but as a strategic offensive threat to be wielded against government decision-makers rendering or considering decisions adverse to the interests of the investors involved.
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