

作者:徐富昌 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, fu-chang
主題關鍵詞:網路語文語詞注音文字母詞半字母詞Internet/webLanguageWords/phrasesText in Mandarin phonetic symbolsLetter-wordsWords with abbreviationsE.g. "BOT" stands for "Build Operate Transfer"Semi-letter-wordsWords with compounds of letters and other componentsE.g. "2U" stands for "To You"
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在網路盛行的今日,伴隨而來的語文異化的次文化現象,亦充斥在網路族群中。這其中固有許多創新,但不可否認的,一個新的、次級的語文異化現象正慢慢形成。此一趨勢,若與傳統語文觀念相較,處處透顯著顛覆與解構的意味。本文主要在探討當前的網路語文的重大變化:如各種新詞、語音變種、表情符號等語文現象。其中,詞彙創新及舊詞翻新固為常見的語文變化,一些特殊的現象卻也不斷湧現,如電腦內設的各種符號及注音符號成了主流的表意和諧音符號。數詞、方言、外來語、字母詞等現象亦紛紛出籠。甚至,別字的充斥及成語的濫用亦所在多有。這些現象說明了,創新與顛覆,在網路上成了主流價值;傳統和權威,反而成了包袱。 從這些語文現象中,既可明瞭人們的思維模式,亦可藉以觀察語文的變遷及衝擊。故本文亦提出造成網路語文改變的因素,並提出其對傳統語文造成的衝擊。形成網路特殊語文現象的因素很多,除了現實 ( 實用 ) 的因素外,傳統觀念的失守、權威的消失、主流價值的轉換,在在都影響了語詞的變化,而其衝擊亦恐將反噬傳統的語文規範與價值體系。當然,我們不能因網路的一些負面影響而消極地逃避,甚至禁絕它。相反地,我們更應想辦法善用它。既然網路科技是年青人社會化的一個重要源頭,也是人文教育的重要一環,那就應該讓它的正面功能發揮出來。
As the increasing popularity of the uses of the internet, there has been a subculture phenomenon of language dissimilation among online communities. Although there are a lot of creative changes, undeniably, a new subculture language dissimilation is developing. This tendency, compared with traditional language concepts, has the implication of subversion and deconstruction of the old language everywhere. The purpose of this article is to discuss the major changes in internet language, such as: new words, diglossia, expression symbols, etc. Among these changes, although creations of new words and modifications of old words are common, some special phenomena have been appearing as well. For example, computer built - in symbols and Mandarin phonemic symbols have become the mainstream expressive and symphonious symbols. Numbers, dialects, foreign terms, and letter –words have all become current in 'net speak'. The usages of incorrect characters and idioms have even become popular. These phenomena indicate that creation and subversion of language have been highly valued in online communities, but tradition and authority have become burdens to internet users. From these language phenomena, we can understand the thinking models of people; we can also observe the changes and impacts on language. Therefore this article brings out the factors caused by 'net speak' changes, and its impact to the traditional language. There are many factors that caused special 'net speak' phenomena, besides practical factors, the abandonment of traditional concepts, the disappearance of authority, and the conversion of mainstream values, have all lead to the change of language, and its impact could devour traditional language rules and values systems. We certainly cannot escape and forbid the changes of language just because some negative effect from the online community. On the contrary, we should try to make good use of it. Since internet technology is an important source of youth socialization, and an important part of education in humanities, we should let its positive effects work for people.
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