

主題關鍵詞:學習障礙鑑定Learning disabilitiesWISC-IIIIdentification
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1.Bowers, T. G.、Risser, M. G.、Suchanec, J. F.、Tinke, D. E.、Ramer, J. C.、Domoto, M.(1992)。A developmental index using the Wechsler Intelligence scale for children: Implications for the diagnosis andnature of ADHD。Journal of Learning Disabilities,25,179-185。  new window
2.Sandoval, J.、Sassenrath, J.、Penaloza, M.(1988)。Similarity of WFSC-R and WAIS-R scores at age 16。Psychology in the Schools,25,373-379。  new window
3.Slate, J. R.(1995)。Discrepancies between IQ and Index Scores for a Clinical Sample of Students: Useful Diagnostic Indicators?。Psychology in the Schools,32(2),103-108。  new window
4.Ward, S. B.、Ward, T. J.、Hatt, C. V.、Young, D. L.、Mollner, N. R.(1995)。The Incidence and Utility of the ACID, ACIDS, and SCAD Profiles in a Referred Population。Psychology in the Schools,32(4),267-276。  new window
5.Watkins, M. W.、Kush, J. C.、Glutting, J. J.(1997)。Discriminant and predictive validity of the WISC-III ACID profile among children with learning disabilities。School Psychology,34(4),309-319。  new window
6.Watkins, M. W.、Kush, J. C.(1994)。Wechsler subtest analysis: The right way, the wrong way, or no way?。School Psychology Review,23(4),640-651。  new window
7.Ackerman, P.、Peters, J.、Dykman, R.(1971)。Children with specific learning disability: WISC profiles。Journal of Learning Disabilities,4,150-166。  new window
8.Dudley-Maerling, C.(1981)。WISC and WISC-R profiles of LD children: A review。Learning Disability Quarterly,4(3),307-319。  new window
9.Anderson, M.、Kaufman, A.、Kaufman, N.(1976)。Use of WISC-R with LD population: Some diagnostic implications。Psychology in the Schools,13,381-386。  new window
10.Watkins, M. W.、Kush, J. C.、Glutting, J. J.(1997)。Prevalence and diagnostic utility of the WISC-III SCAD profile among children with disabilities。School Psychology Quarterly,12(3),235-248。  new window
11.孟瑛如、陳麗如(20000300)。學習障礙學生在魏氏兒童智力量表上顯現之特質研究。特殊教育季刊,74,1-11。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.陳心怡、楊宗仁(20000700)。WISC-III分測驗特殊組型基本率研究:臺灣常模、學習障礙及注意力缺陷過動症兒童之比較。測驗年刊,47(2),91-110。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.Ackerman, P. T.、Dykman, R. A.、Psters, J. E.(1976)。Hierarchical factor patterns on the WISC as related to areas of learning deficit。Perceptual and Motor Skills,42,583-615。  new window
14.McDermott, P. A.、Fantuzzo, J. W.、Glutting, J. J.、Watkins, M. W.、Baggaley, A. R.(1992)。Illusions of Meaning in the Ipsative Assessment of Children's Ability。Journal of Special Education,25(4),504-526。  new window
1.Sandoval, J.(1984)。Verifying the WISC-R ACID profile。The annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist (NASP)。Philadelphia。  new window
1.Glaser, M. L. J.(1994)。A study of the relationships between preferred learning styles and verbal ability of learning disabled students and general education students: Implications for the regular education initiative(博士論文)。University of Tulsa。  new window
1.Rourke, B. P.(1985)。Neuropsychology of learning disabilities: Essentials of subtype analyses。New York:Guilford。  new window
2.Wechsler, D.(1991)。Wechsler intelligence scale for children-Revised。San Antonio, TX:Psychological Corporation。  new window
3.柯華葳(1999)。閱讀理解困難篩選測驗。臺北:行政院國家科學委員會特殊教育工作小組。  延伸查詢new window
4.Kaufman, A. S.(1994)。Intelligence testing with the WISC-III。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
5.陳榮華(1997)。魏氏兒童智力量表第三版(中文版)指導手冊。中國行為科學社。  延伸查詢new window
1.Kavale, K. A.、Fomess, S. R.(1994)。Learning disabilities and intelligence: An uneasy alliance。Advances in Learning and behavioral disabilities。Greenwich, CT:JAI Press。  new window
2.Prifitera, A.、Dersh, J.(1993)。Base rates of WISC-III diagnostic subtest patterns among normal, learning-disabled, and ADHD sample。Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. Advances in psychoeducational assessment. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children。Brandon, VT:Clinical Psychology Publishing Co.。  new window
3.Reynolds, C. R.、Kaufman, A. S.(1990)。Assessment of children's intelligence with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-revised。Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children: Intelligence and achievement。New York, NY:Guilford Press。  new window
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