

題名:Globalization and the Cross-Straits Relations: Impact of the Sovereignty Issue
主題關鍵詞:GlobalizationThe cross-straits relations and international interdependence
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With the rapid development of science, technology and economic activities, there is a wave of globalization in the international community. The phenomenon of globalization refers to the emergence of many transnational economic activities at the current stage, the integration of communities in all parts of the world and the formation of a new global capitalism or the “borderless world” as Kenichi Ohmae said. According to the definition of globalization given by Samule Kim and other scholars, globalization boils down to several main points first, globalization is a process. Second, globalization produces influence to varying degrees and includes all kinds of human activates. Third, under this trend, all kinds of behaviorists in the world will be connected and influence each other. Under the trend of globalization, the state still plays a major role in the international system, but international interdependence and the role of non-state behaviorists are increasingly important and even have produced influence on the state and international relations to a large extent. Because of the influence of globalization, we must shift form the concept of dependence to the concept of interdependence to think about the interactive structure of the international system. Now that international interdependence is increasingly intensified, the role of non-state behaviorists has been gradually elevated to the status, which can contend with the state. So far as the cross-Straits relations are concerned, the key to indicating that globalization produces an impact or a turning point on the cross-Straits relations is the challenge to the traditional concept of sovereignty because of international interdependence, and the enlightenment he cross-Straits relations is to think about the role of non-state behaviorists. We should pay great attention to the goals for future development of the cross-Straits relations is to think about the role of non-state behaviorists. We should pay great attention to the goals for future development of the cross-Straits relations by considering the role of non-state behaviorists, including civil organizations, enterprises, international multinational organization, etc., establishing good channels for easing tension and conducting dialogue between the governments of the Taiwan Straits, participating in the process of globalization, jointly meeting challenges posed by globalization, maximizing common interests and minimizing common damage.
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