

作者:莊文忠 引用關係
作者(外文):Juang, Wen-jong
主題關鍵詞:制度制度分析新制度論理性抉擇制度論歷史制度論社會制度論後現代制度論InstitutionInstitutional analysisNew institutionalismRational choice institutionalismHistorical institutionalismSociological institutionalismPostmodern institutionalis
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     關於人類行為與政策決定的研究,制度的分析是一個不可忽略的面向。換言之,研究者如要瞭解個人行為與集體行動的型態,解釋政策結果的產生,就必要將制度因素納入考量。這也是為何許多學科領域的學者會致力於探討制度的多樣性和複雜性的原因,本研究也是箇中之一。 本文所關心的幾個問題包括:(一)制度的意涵為何?(二)舊(傳統)制度論與新制度論的差異性為何?(三)在後現代主義的系絡下,制度研究的未來面貌可能為何?本文討論的自的並不企圖對這些問題提令多數人滿意的答案,而是指出有關制度的討論中值得吾人關注的層面。
     Institution analysis has been conducive to a better understanding of human behaviors and policy decision. It has also been fruitful in the study of individual/collective actions and policy outcomes. The purposes of this paper focus on the following three dimensions: (1) what does institution mean? (2) how can we tell the differences between old (traditional) and new institutionalism? (3) what is the future prospect for the institution analysis in the context of postmodernism context ? The paper does not intend to provide answers. Rather, it is to try to pinpoint those which deserve to be paid more attention to in doing institution research.
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