

作者:劉祥通 引用關係翁宜青吳美蓉
作者(外文):Liu, Shiang-tungWu, Mei-zungWeng, Yi-ching
主題關鍵詞:小數大小比較個案研究電算器教學活動Decimal comparisonCase studyCalculator teaching activities
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     This study was to explore the effects of using calculator in learning decimal numbers. The subject of this study was a sixth grader who had misconception of 「fraction rule」 in comparing the largeness of decimal numbers. The author adopted semi-structured interview to conduct this study. The teaching treatment was using the calculator to do「repeated adding/subtracting 0.01」and 「multiplying 10 or dividing 10」activities. The results showed calculator-teaching activities benefited for this study subjects. That is, he had overcome his original misconception after calculator-teaching activities treatment.
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