

作者(外文):Yin, Ying-tiWang, Ru-hwaLee, May Meei-shyuanYuh, Yeong-seng
主題關鍵詞:袋鼠式護理傳統式護理早產兒滿意度Kangaroo careTraditional nursing carePrematureSatisfaction
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     本研究採類實驗性設計中之重複測量法。於民國87年2月15日至5月31日在臺北市兩所醫學中心及兩所區域醫院之新生兒加護中心內,以連續取樣法,選擇36對出生體重低於2000公克之早產兒並同意參加此研究的早產兒母親為研究對象。依其意願分入實驗組(行袋鼠式護理)或控制組 (行傳統式護理)。於各組早產兒母親執行照顧前,以母親滿意度問卷先對兩組母親各測其滿意度一次,在做完某一種護理後的第七天,再測一次母親的滿意度,前後共兩次,用以比較使用何種方法,早產兒母親的滿意程度,及滿意度改變程度。以複迴歸模式比較兩種護理方式對早產兒母親滿意度的影響。結果發現,同組的母親前後測的改變,p < .001,表示兩組母親滿意度增加。而兩組前測(65.5 vs 62.2),p = .478,未達統計上顯著的意義。兩組後測(93.2 vs 83.2),p < .001,達統計上顯著的意義,顯示行袋鼠式護理的母親滿意程度較行傳統式的高,同時驗證臨床上施行袋鼠式護理可提供母親與早產兒較親密的接觸及滿意的互動。
     In this study, a repeated measure quasi-experimental design was employed. The research took place in the newborn intensive care unit of two district teaching hospitals and two medical centers in Taipei. Convenient sampling was used to select premature infants whose weight was less than 2000 g, and their mothers. The samples were grouped non-randomly. The control group was given traditional nursing care and the experimental group was given kangaroo care.   The mothers' satisfaction with the different care methods was collected by questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled twice-one before and once after seven days of each nursing care-in order to compare the satisfaction in the different groups and change in satisfaction after completing either method. The influence of both care methods on the premature mother's satisfaction was analyzed by logistic regression. In both groups, satisfaction was increased after completing either care method (p < .001 in both group). Before care, the level of satisfaction was not different between the kangaroo care and traditional nursing care groups (65.6 vs. 62.2; p = .478). However, the satisfaction of the former group was significantly different from the latter group after completing the care (93.2 vs. 83.2; p < .001). The result showed mothers were more satisfied with kangaroo care, if compared with traditional nursing care. Therefore, it is believed that the relationship between the mother and child could be enhanced by practicing kangaroo care.
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