

我國自民國八十九年起,亦先後修正或制定銀行法、金融機構合併法、金融控股公司法、公司法、企業併購法、證券交易法及公平交易法等相關金融法及企業法,而開放一連串企業組織再造法制之變革,形成一套體系複雜之企業組織再進法制。又在立法政策上,即使要採取經濟指導式之租稅優惠措施或財務優惠措施,乃至於解除或鬆綁社會管制或競爭管制,似亦應符合經濟效益之致策目標,以增進公共利益,始其有法理上之正當性。惟查我國現行企業組織再造法制之立法,經常以追求經濟效益為名,而採行簡化金融機構併購程序、降低意思決定機關之決議門檻、取消或限制反對股東之股份收買請求權、免除個別通知公司債權人之程序等措施,期能降低企業組織再造之成本,但企業組織再造法制之基本目的亦在於調和公司利害關係人之利益,始不會偏離經濟效益之本質,故理論上是否得恣意扭曲金融專業、犧牲少數股東或公司債權人之利益,誠有疑問。 本文乃以企業併購法為主,輔以現行金融機構合併法、金融控股公司法及公司法之法制現況,簡要介紹我國現行企業組織再造法制之特色及缺失,進而釐清我國公司法之應有定位。又在肯定企業組織再造法制應以經濟效益為政策目標之前提下,探討經濟效益與公司利害關係人保護之權衡問題,並從促進企業組織再造彈性化之角度,分析我國公司法應有之政策取向,並針對目前我國企業組織再造法制所應解決之重要課題,提出具體之建議措施,期能在進行全盤修正公司法之工程時,兼重經濟效益與法益權衡之調和,而在防弊與興利之間取得平衛。
Since 2000, the Banking Act, the Financial Institution Merger Act, the Financial Holding Company Act, the Coporation Act, the Merger and Acquisition Act, the Security Act, the Fair Trade Act and other financial relevant laws were amended and constituted, therefore the legal reform of the corporate reorganization started in order to format the complicated legal system of corporate reorganization. Meanwhile from views of legislative policy, even though the tax-relief and financial-favoured measures adopted or the competition and society control deregulated ,the public interest should be justified by the method of ecomonic efficiency analysis. Whereas the recent legislations of the cooperative reorganization always simplify the banking merger procedure, reduce the decision-making standard of shareholders' meeting, cancel or limit the appraisal right for shareholders or the indemnify Y for creditors of individual inform procedure in order to make a cost-cutting of the coporative reorganization in name of the cost-benefit analysis. The basic principle of the cooperate reorganization legal system is the balance of stakeholders' interests. So the key issue is whether the protection of minority shareholders, the indemnity of creditors and the financial market rules can be ignored. Part II will analyse the characteristics and questions of the corporate reorganization legal system from the views of the Merger and Acquisition Act, and also the recent reform of the Financial Institution Merger Act, the Financial Holding Company Act and the other relevant laws to define the policy goals of the Coporation Act. Depending on ecomonic efficiency is the policy goal of coporate reorganization legal system, Part III will discuss to the balance between stakeholders' protection and it. Part IV will examine the f1exibleapproach of corporate reorganization should be adopted by the amendment of Coporation Act. Meanwhile the concrete solution of the corporate reorganization legal system shoukd be presented in the next amendment of drafting the Corporation Act, it will attempt to provide the harmony of stakeholders' protection and ecomonic efficiency, and the balance of cost and efficiency. Part V will make a brief conclusion.
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