

作者(外文):Wei, YanliangYe, Donglei
主題關鍵詞:生物技術可專利性公序良俗原則唯理主義經驗主義治理模式異議程序制訂法規範操作規範BiotechnologyPatentabilityThe doctrine of ordre public and moralityIdealismEmpiricismInstitutional arrangementsProcedure of objectionStatutory regulationsOperating regulations
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The article studied the institutional arrangements to define patentable subject matter in the field of biotechnology by generalizing and analyzing the doctrine of ordre public and morality in Europe and Chinese Mainland. It displayed that idealistic arrangements wouldn't accord with utilitarian appeals of Chinese Mainland. In the short run, Chinese Mainland could reform its arranges according to institutional arrangements of Japan. However, it should abolish idealistic arrangements copied from Europe and use empirical ones of the U.S. as references in the long run. Such kinds of arrangements would ask for the abolishment of idealistic norms used to define patentable or unpatentable subject matter. China should also treat decisions of SIPO Board of Appeal as precedents that should be abided by patent examiners and the board itself. On the other hand, it would have to recognize the legal effect of judicial precedents.
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