

作者(外文):Chou, Cheng-chenLee, Tsorng-yehLiu, Yin-chun
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     The pregnancy rate in adolescents in Taiwan has been rising for recent years, and the phenomenon of abortion among adolescents has become a matter of greater concern to society than ever before. Research reveals that abortion is the choice of most adolescent women when they find themselves pregnant. Often, medical teams ignore the physical and psychological impacts of abortion on adolescents, who are at a unique stage of development (physically as well as psychologically) before turning into mature human beings. The article integrates literature reviews and clinical experience, including developmental characteristics and causes for pregnancy among adolescents, the decision-making processes of adolescents with regard to abortion, possible physical and/or psychological effects of abortion in the adolescent stage, and the nursing care of adolescents undergoing abortion procedures. We hope to provide valuable information for the interdisciplinary holistic nursing care of adolescents who have abortions.
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